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Sometimes UV Issue

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  • Sometimes UV Issue

    sometimes I have a problem with UV. Sometimes the order of material and UV is important. Not always, not on every scene.
    But would like to know the reason, as I have a file with a lot of elements imported, where this behaviour is mixed...

    Please take a look the screenshot. File with one object attached

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-10-07 08.58.57 copy.jpg
Views:	388
Size:	326.0 KB
ID:	1126601
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hi haniel1107 ,

    I downloaded the scene, but could not get the same error you had.
    Btw a good rule of thumb would be having a somewhat proper UV layout and staying away from the overlapping techniques, unless it's an asset meant for game engine and you want to save some resources.
    Hope this helps

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Cinema_4D_E98TUnp3I21.png
Views:	323
Size:	406.4 KB
ID:	1126613


    • #3
      Hi Yunal,
      thanks, for the tip, but this is an object out of a large turbosquid scene.
      I am using last nightly build of vray5, win 10 S24.

      BTW when you duplicate the object the error won't appear on the duplicated object... only if you move the uv tag on this object I've sent.



      • #4
        Hello haniel1107,

        Upon testing, I managed to reproduce the same issue. It looks like it happens when the UVW tag is placed after the material tag. If the order is changed, the issue is not reproducible.

        I have now reported this to our developers (bug ID: VC4D-1119) and I will let you know once we have any updates on the matter. Thanks.
        Aleksandar Kasabov


        • #5
          Happy you could reproduce it. Thank you!!


          • #6
            Hello deyan.hadzhiev or CG, do you know when this could be fixed. Or is there a trick or script I could use.

            For example, I have a scene here with over 5thousand objects where the uvw tag is placed after the material. This happens when you import from maya ... I can not work on my clients request before I have brought all uvw in place...
            As you can imagine, this is really bad... and costs me a job

            Help or a fix is much appreciated and urgent..


            • #7
              Hi haniel1107 , we are sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is a top priority at the moment and the fix is almost ready. We hope to have it available in the stable builds next week.
              Deyan Hadzhiev


              • #8
                Originally posted by deyan.hadzhiev View Post
                Hi haniel1107 , we are sorry for the inconvenience. This issue is a top priority at the moment and the fix is almost ready. We hope to have it available in the stable builds next week.
                Hi deyan.hadzhiev, thanks for your quick response... and of course as early as possible would be fantastic... Thanks a lot!!


                • #9

                  And let me please add another request here... maybe you could consider to make a hotfix with it, as alone this bug is a hotfix worth, otherwise renderfarms like rebus will ignore this fix... ???


                  • #10
                    Hey haniel1107 ,
                    Yes, we plan to make a hotfix with this issue fixed as soon as possible.
                    Ivan Shaykov


                    • #11
                      Hi shaio , thank you!!!


                      • #12
                        deyan.hadzhiev thanks for the update this night!!!


                        • #13
                          Hello haniel1107,

                          As you have probably already noticed, this issue (bug ID: VC4D-1119) has been fixed and the fix can be found in our latest stable build. You can download it from here:
                          Aleksandar Kasabov


                          • #14
                            aleksandar.kasabov yes thank you, I am already using it...

