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Xpresso Bug causes missing textures

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  • Xpresso Bug causes missing textures

    We are in the process of getting a little organized and so wanted to create material previews of our materials. Unfortunately there seems to be a priority bug with Xpresso. I wrote a simple Xpresso script to change the material on my shaderball per frame. The change works, but the bitmaps are not loaded when changing the image.

    Here is a simple scene that shows the problem:

    If you render frame 1-2 then the image is not loaded. If you render only frame 2 then it works as intended.

    Does anyone know a workaround or am I making a mistake here?

  • #2
    Hello Doger,

    Thank you for reporting this to us.

    It seems to be a bug that affects CPU rendering. The current workaround would be to render your scene with V-Ray GPU. If you need to render it on CPU, you could render it with V-Ray GPU in CPU mode.

    I have reported this to our developers for fixing (bug ID: VC4D-1320) and I will let you know once we have any updates. Thanks!
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      aleksandar.kasabov Thank your for the workaround. Unfortunatly the rendering freezes after 3 Frames and i have to restart C4D. Can you check on your side if this happens as well?


      • #4
        Hello Doger,

        I regret to hear that.

        Upon testing this on my end I didn't experience any issues when rendering with V-Ray GPU. Which GPU mode are you rendering in? Please specify your GPU model, GPU driver, V-Ray and C4D versions, and your OS. Can you also check the V-Ray log in the console to see if you get any warnings or error messages? Thank you.
        Aleksandar Kasabov


        • #5
          Hello aleksandar.kasabov

          I was able to narrow down the error. I had converted TIF files to EXRs with the img2tiledexr tool. With the EXRs it comes to the freeze. If I use TIFs again for the textures everything works as desired.

          Is there anything I need to consider when using tiledEXRs? The textures are loaded without MipMaping. They are the metal textures from 3D RnB and they are created without interpolation.

          I render in GPU RTX mode.
          Windows 10
          recommended Drivers 497.09
          latest C4D version 25.117
          Nightly VRay Build from 2022/04/12


          • #6
            Hello Doger,

            I tried using a converted (from TIF) EXR file but I didn't face any issues with it. Would you mind sharing either the exr file or the whole scene so I can check it? Thank you.
            Aleksandar Kasabov

