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Color Management OCIO / ACEScg Bug?

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  • Color Management OCIO / ACEScg Bug?

    Our office is currently testing the ACEScg color space. In the process, we are experiencing very strange errors. I suspect the whole color conversion is not implemented quite cleanly.

    In the V-Ray render settings, we have changed the color management to ACEScg. In the project presets of Cinema 4D we switched the color management to OCIO with the preset ACES.

    The error can be seen in the following images. One image shows the desired color, the other the incorrectly converted darker color. The error occurs randomly, when adjusting a color, adjusting a parameter or sometimes when inserting objects into the project. Affected are the colors set in the materials (for example Diffuse Color), or the colors of the Cinema 4D shader color. The color values are retained, but the color is displayed differently. Textures are not affected.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	v1.jpg
Views:	500
Size:	67.8 KB
ID:	1171204Click image for larger version

Name:	v2.jpg
Views:	420
Size:	63.3 KB
ID:	1171205​​

    Are we doing something wrong? Is this a known bug?​

  • #2
    Hello. The OpenColorIO color management in Cinema 4D 2023 is not yet officially supported. In order to use ACEScg currently, you should keep the document color management to "Basic" and only change the "Rendering RGB Primaries" to ACEScg in the V-Ray Render Settings (under V-Ray -> Color Management).
    We are working on adding support for the new color management in Cinema 4D 2023, but it is not quite ready yet. Note that its support will not change the render output from what you would get with the currently available options, but merely make the material color previews correct and more flexible (when using the OpenColorIO color management).
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #3
      Thank you for the quick feedback!

