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Different results for reflections if rendering in high resolution

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  • Different results for reflections if rendering in high resolution

    ​We faced the same problem as in the following posts when using displacement:

    Is this still a issue? is there fix for this? or workaround?

    we rendered in 2 different Resolution 1280 and 5000 and get 2 different reflections just by using displacement.
    Test file attached.
    Because of this bug Final Image doesn't look like in preview if we render in high Resolution.

    Rendered in Cinema 4D 2023.2.2 and V-Ray 6 update 1.1 (v6.10.01 from Jun 27 2023)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	low res.jpg
Views:	352
Size:	159.9 KB
ID:	1189126

    Click image for larger version

Name:	high_res.jpg
Views:	255
Size:	236.8 KB
ID:	1189127

    Click image for larger version

Name:	test_1280.jpg
Views:	262
Size:	98.5 KB
ID:	1189128
    ​​​Click image for larger version

Name:	test_5000.jpg
Views:	264
Size:	85.3 KB
ID:	1189129

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello cornelia_oberst

    Thank you for sharing this with us. I will investigate the scene you have attached and come back to you.

    Would you let us know what are the Cinema 4D and V-Ray for Cinema builds that you are using?
    Last edited by viktor_angelov; 25-08-2023, 03:12 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
      Hello cornelia_oberst

      Thank you for sharing this with us. I will investigate the scene you have attached and come back to you.

      Would you let us know what are the Cinema 4D and V-Ray for Cinema builds that you are using?
      Cinema 4D 2023.2.2 and V-Ray 6 update 1.1 (v6.10.01 from Jun 27 2023)


      • #4
        Hi cornelia_oberst, can you specify if you are using V-Ray or V-Ray GPU for rendering?

        Apart from that, with V-Ray 6, Update 1, we added a dedicated material node (and option for classic materials) to handle this issue. Please check this video and the related articles (node and classic material - "Use Bump To Glossiness").

        Note that the Bump-to-Glossiness approach is currently supported only for the V-Ray renderer.

        I hope this information helps you resolve your issue.
        Deyan Hadzhiev


        • #5

          thank you for your answer, unfortunately this does not help us.
          As I already wrote, we have the problem with displacement.
          And we don't render at different distances like in the video, we render at different resolutions.
          We are using vray and not vray gpu but we have tested both.


          • #6
            Although the video mentions distances, different resolutions are also affected. The displacement maps also produce bump, so if you are using a grayscale displacement directly from a texture file, plugging this bitmap node into the bump-to-glossiness node should yield the same result.
            Deyan Hadzhiev


            • #7
              sorry but i dont understand how can i use this in Geometry-Tag???


              • #8
                You can't use it directly in the geometry tag - you need to plug the displacement bitmap in the "Bump to glossiness" node and then into the material glossiness (only possible for node materials).
                Deyan Hadzhiev

