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Render nodes glitching out regularly!!

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  • Render nodes glitching out regularly!!


    I have two networked render nodes, and during render they are glitching out after some frames. I then have to restart the render server and it works again for some more frames. I am a the latest version of V-Ray, this did not ever happen on the previous version.

    Thanks for looking into this! See attachment, here one of the nodes start to error!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello torebernhoft

    Thank you for contacting us!

    Could you open a ticket to our platform and share with us the scene so we can investigate. The link you can find here:
    Please, make sure to include all the necessary assets, DR logs, versions of Cinema 4D and V-Ray for Cinema 4D, as well as the computer configurations.


    • #3
      Hey torebernhoft_vonobstfelder, we had a similar issue and that was fixed by disabling the motion blur option in the camera tag. Maybe that will help you too


      • #4
        Originally posted by christian_schneider1 View Post
        Hey torebernhoft_vonobstfelder, we had a similar issue and that was fixed by disabling the motion blur option in the camera tag. Maybe that will help you too
        Hey Christian christian_schneider1 Awesome, thank you for the update! I will test if that's the case here too


        • #5
          Hello torebernhoft

          We have identified a workaround that may help you. Please, set a specific environment variable on all machines involved in the DR.

          Instructions for setting the environment variable:
          1. Open the Edit the system environment variables window by either searching for it in the Start Menu or locating it in the Control Panel.
          2. Click Environment Variables…
          3. The system environment is defined by the System variables list in the bottom half of the screen. Add a New…
            Variable name: VRAY_COMPILE_GEOMETRY_MT
            Variable value: 0
          4. After setting the variable, please remember to restart Cinema 4D and your computer to activate it fully.

          Please let me know if this solution works for you.


          • #6
            Hello there viktor_angelov

            Thank you very much! Will try this. But one question, my render nodes are windows machines, but my main workstation is a Mac Pro 2019 running Monterey. Do I need to change this variable also on the Mac? If so, how can that be done?


            • #7
              I was just informed that with today's V-Ray stable builds the issue should be resolved. So instead of changing the environment variable you could give that a try. You can find the fix here:

              Please, let me know how it goes. Your feedback is highly appreciated.


              • #8
                Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
                I was just informed that with today's V-Ray stable builds the issue should be resolved. So instead of changing the environment variable you could give that a try. You can find the fix here:

                Please, let me know how it goes. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
                Thank you viktor_angelov! I'm happy to inform that tonights render (10 hours) was without any problems on the 12-sept build Will keep you updated further on coming renders.


                • #9
                  That's great to hear torebernhoft Thank you for letting me know!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
                    Hello torebernhoft

                    We have identified a workaround that may help you. Please, set a specific environment variable on all machines involved in the DR.

                    Instructions for setting the environment variable:
                    1. Open the Edit the system environment variables window by either searching for it in the Start Menu or locating it in the Control Panel.
                    2. Click Environment Variables…
                    3. The system environment is defined by the System variables list in the bottom half of the screen. Add a New…
                      Variable name: VRAY_COMPILE_GEOMETRY_MT
                      Variable value: 0
                    4. After setting the variable, please remember to restart Cinema 4D and your computer to activate it fully.

                    Please let me know if this solution works for you.
                    I had to downgrade to the latest official, as the nightly build was missing a library in the build. But with the suggested "Environment variable" change, it fixed the issue. I tried both with and without it, and it fails without it. I start the render from a Mac with C4D R23 and then only the remote Ryzen PC nodes are rendering, so I applied this to only the render nodes. But that works great, and the Mac is free to do other work viktor_angelov


                    • #11
                      That's great to hear, torebernhoft. Thank you for letting me know!

                      I was unable to understand what is the latest nightly build missing. Could you, please, give me more information about it?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by viktor_angelov View Post
                        That's great to hear, torebernhoft. Thank you for letting me know!

                        I was unable to understand what is the latest nightly build missing. Could you, please, give me more information about it?
                        viktor_angelov Yes, you can see more details about the missing lib in my post here:


                        • #13
                          Thanks for clarifying, torebernhoft

                          As my colleague said, this warning is incorrect and the renders should not be affected.
                          We are currently working on removing it so it does not cause confusion in the future.


                          • #14
                            Hi, I'm rendering via Team-Render and many renderings have those glitches from time to time. This happens for some month now. I installed the latest build and its still glitching.
                            I have the feeling that these glitches are more often when using many clones as "renderinstances". Do you still work on that issue?
                            See an example (a sequence of 3 frames)..
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Hi klex167

                              We have resolved the issue and implemented the fix into the latest Stable Builds. This has been confirmed by other users as well. Could you please let me know which build are you using? A screenshot from V-Ray > About V-Ray menu would be useful.

