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native Houdini volumes

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  • native Houdini volumes

    Hello, on the Vray4houdini page of chaosgroup website we can read :


    Fast and accurate rendering of native Houdini volumes and OpenVDB caches.

    My english isn't 100% accurate, but for me it's mean that i can render fire and smoke like i do in Mantra or redshift. using the cache files i' usually do not ?

    so, i create my fire and smoke with Pyro, i assign a material with Vray-phxShaderSim. in parameter i setup Houdini fire/smoke then i fill the Fields with the correct temperature density etc attributs.

    I'm trying to render .. nothing appear.

    I check in rendering parameters in OUT context. i see a probabilistic volumetrics, i try to see if if's change something but not.

    How to render native Houdini Volumes ? needs help. thanks you.
    GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
    freelance 3D artist

  • #2
    I'm trying to use vdb cache instead of .something wrong happend.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Annotation 2019-12-16 114202.jpg
Views:	502
Size:	261.2 KB
ID:	1056262
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Annotation 2019-12-16 114331.jpg
Views:	447
Size:	224.0 KB
ID:	1056263
    GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
    freelance 3D artist


    • #3
      it's say only .aur is supported
      GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
      freelance 3D artist


      • #4
        ok i find, i think.. it's simpler than i was think. i have to find now the good parameters to render the same thing we have in viewport .

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Annotation 2019-12-16 124753.jpg
Views:	381
Size:	217.0 KB
ID:	1056274
        GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
        freelance 3D artist


        • #5
          physically Based = 0.9 in volume grid fire intensity is a good start.
          GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
          freelance 3D artist


          • #6
            Hello ghiom3d , you can use houdini`s native File or FileCache SOPs to load vdbs. VolumeGrid Cache SOP works only with aur files /ChaosGroup Phoenix FD cache files/. Looks like we are forgotten to update the docs page.

            Georgy Chakarov | QA


            • #7
              thanks you chakarov looks like i can use the cache right now instead of a vdb sequence.

              Physicaly Based set to 0 make it very bright.
              Physicaly Based set to 1 make it fully black.

              It's like opposite than what i see on documentation. and 1 > flame are black look like a error to me not ?
              inb doc we saw that physically 1 make it more bright than 0 and in my case it's inverted.

              Nightly from 14/12/19 on H18 18.0.318
              GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
              freelance 3D artist


              • #8
                Hey, ghiom3d ,

                the Physically Based option expects real-world temperature values, so a good start would be to remap the heat or temperature field to values between e.g. 800 and 3000.
                For instance, using a Volume Wrangle, you could
                f@heat = 800 + fit(@heat, 0, 2, 0, 1200);
                This should give you the expected behavior.

                We're currently working on adding information guides on major features so such information is readily available.



                • #9
                  Hi thanks you Gosho.Genchev . DOn't know if it's the nightly build or i misunderstand something.
                  I add the volume wrangle node after my cache file. i change heat by flame because it's the name of my attribut in my case.
                  now it's look thousand times too much bright. so i put physically based at 1 and i see better my fire. but i loose the colors of the flame. it's very long to render, it's not nice.

                  In the doc, when we change physically based from 0 to 1 , we add a lot of power in the fire. HEre, it's not the case, we have a powerfull fir at 0 and many less one at 1.
                  GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
                  freelance 3D artist

