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texture bombing questions

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  • texture bombing questions

    the new randomizer/stochastic tiling has has helped alot getting that sweet randomization in the triplanar.
    Though its still perfect tiles inbetween the textures so im curious if somebody knows a way to break the edges up (except blending) like in arnold and redshift where you can use cells with noise like in the image below.

    first image is vray with uvtile randomization

    second image is the cell+noise to breakup the triplanar edges

    third an example how it is used in redshit

    Click image for larger version

Name:	textureBombing.png
Views:	2191
Size:	612.9 KB
ID:	1102121
    Click image for larger version

Name:	texturebombing2.png
Views:	1623
Size:	175.7 KB
ID:	1102122
    Click image for larger version

Name:	texturebombing3.png
Views:	1817
Size:	954.8 KB
ID:	1102123

  • #2
    You can assign attribute to your geometry that defines these islands, then pack using that, and in the shader, use a random seeded by the render id, to drive the randomness in the triplanar. Just did that for a rock face and it worked well.
    Hristo Velev
    MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
    Sofia, Bulgaria


    • #3
      glacierise a point attribute on the geo? will try, though alot of times the meshes are lowpoly like big ground areas or mountains.


      • #4
        It's not gonna increase them by much, try it out
        Hristo Velev
        MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
        Sofia, Bulgaria


        • #5
          You could use V-Ray Noise or V-Ray BerconNoise multiplied by number of textures you want to "scatter", connected as "id_gen_tex" in a V-Ray Multi ID Texture.
          Here is a screenshot with textures with triplanar and randomize mappings applied on them. Check if this work for you.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	houdinifx_FN2oMslNqT.png Views:	0 Size:	229.2 KB ID:	1102206 Click image for larger version  Name:	houdinifx_ZtWacJeAaW.png Views:	0 Size:	261.2 KB ID:	1102207
          Last edited by chakarov; 11-02-2021, 01:02 AM.
          Georgy Chakarov | QA


          • #6
            chakarov that does help with hding the issue and i guess i could just use a 3d noise and a texture blend for that too. Probably good enough for us now.

            though the lines still remain and i guess maybe i should turn it into a feature request.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              Cool idea, thanks! Will try it out
              Hristo Velev
              MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
              Sofia, Bulgaria


              • #8
                chakarov Cant get the texture bombing to work like in the image? How do you have things setup in the multi ID tex node?


                • #9
                  Hi adrian_camarena , what are your OS, V-Ray build number and Houdini version. Check the example file which I uploading here.
                  Attached Files
                  Georgy Chakarov | QA


                  • #10
                    Thanks. It seams to be working now. I'm using H18.5.351, windows, and Vray 5 official release. So how does it choose which texture to use? Is it based on different value ranges and the Vray texfloat op is just to gain the image up and down?


                    • #11
                      The BerconNoise texture generates values between 0 and 1, so I use TexFloatOperations to multiply the noise to number of textures which I want to "mix".
                      Georgy Chakarov | QA


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LeoYfver View Post
                        the new randomizer/stochastic tiling has has helped alot getting that sweet randomization in the triplanar.
                        Though its still perfect tiles inbetween the textures so im curious if somebody knows a way to break the edges up (except blending) like in arnold and redshift where you can use cells with noise like in the image below.

                        first image is vray with uvtile randomization

                        second image is the cell+noise to breakup the triplanar edges

                        third an example how it is used in redshit
                        This is quite an old post, but if someone needs the mimic the workflow of RS, here is some osl code that seems to do the job (for me, at least)
                        Attached Files

