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EXR 16bits saved as 32bits

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  • EXR 16bits saved as 32bits

    Hi, it seems that render saved in 16bits EXR are actually 32bits when opened in photoshop. Do I miss something?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hey creac ,

    I'm testing with Nuke and the MetaData node is saying the bit depth is 16bit on my end.
    I can think of only one reason - there's is a toggle on e.g. "Extra Texture" AOV to force 32bit output - even so, it should affect only the Extra Texture channel of the EXR.

    Could you try rendering two separate images, with the "Bits per Channel" option set to 16bit and 32bit respectively, and comparing the file size on disk, to make sure it is not Photoshop reporting it wrongly? It's a long shot but the only idea I have at the moment.

    Best regards!


    • #3
      Hi Gosho.Genchev, interesting, the 32bits rendering is actually 2 times the size of 16bits, so indeed Photoshop is reporting it wrongly. Thx !


      • #4
        Photoshop doesn't support half float.
        Any EXR issues should be checked with Nuke as Photoshop is filled with weird behaviors when it comes to EXRs

