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Creating Vray Scene Files with foreced Materials takes very long time. Urgent

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  • Creating Vray Scene Files with foreced Materials takes very long time. Urgent

    We have a pretty heavy scene. Lots of models and Assets.

    90% of the geometry is saved as abc caches with shop_materialpath attribute for smaller vray scene files.

    Saving vrayscene files like that is super fast, only a part of a second.

    If we force now all the Materials in ROP Node so that the materials are available the vray scene export takes hours with CPU utilization of 3% or so.

    A manual selection of the neccessary materials is not an option. There are to many. What we would need is a option to grab only the materials that are needed for rendering.

    Is there a way to do that ?

    kind regards

  • #2
    > If we force now all the Materials in ROP Node so that the materials are available the vray scene export takes hours with CPU utilization of 3% or so.​

    This looks like some bug. How many materials are there? Any luck for a scene with the materials?
    V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
    Support Request


    • #3
      Cause of time pressure I do not have a test scene right at the moment. I try do create one later. I guess it collects all together about 1000 materials....

      We do not have 1000 of different materials though. We use shader assets that are used on a lot of assets in the scene. So a plastic.hda shader is used on a lot of objects and therefore all the materials do have different shop_materialpath attributes. If I force all materials with "*" it will collect all of this material "instances" by its own and adds each of them to the vray scene. Which kind of makes sense but it takes very long to do that.


      • #4
        We had a similar situation once where we put „*“ in the forced material and it took very long to export. We were able to just put in the mat networks because the scene was structured differently and it seemed the issue was that vray had to go through all none material nodes which slowed it down a lot. Just wanted to bring this up, not sure if this is relevant here.


        • #5
          Thank you ronald for bringing this up. This was also my assumption.

          We gather all the neccessary materials by hand and put them in a single matnet and force only that^^ Before that we have to relink all shop_material path attribs of all assets to that new matnet and export the abc. Pretty cumbersome but at least exporting the vrscenes does not take a whole day...


          • #6
            Well, we could try replicating 1000 materials setup I guess; it's V-Ray material builders as HDAs I guess?
            V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
            Support Request


            • #7
              Yes, most of the materials are materialBuilder as HDA. And most of them are nested inside of sop context HDAs etc. (dont know if thats important for you)


              • #8
                Hey all,

                The devs pushed a change that hopefully will help - it will be available in tomorrow's nightly builds.

                Best regards!

