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ACEScg workflow

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  • ACEScg workflow

    Found the ACES workflow but I'm not quite sure if I understand correctly or the infoirmation I'm searching for is there..

    I exported my textures from substance painter. My SP project is in ACES with 8bit maps exporting as Utility - SRGB - Textures.

    Now, in my scene whenever I apply the material to my object, it is way too dark. The only way for me to have it not going darker, is to set input transform to none..

    Is that the correct workflow?

    What types of images (base color, normal, rough)should have what types of color transforms? (Acescg, srgb, raw, etc)

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Hey andrew_cyrmarcoux ,

    There is nothing particularly different with V-Ray compared to any other render engine in regards to aces. Textures that provide 'color' information (meaning, textures that are not grayscale) should be converted from sRGB Texture to Aces. Grayscale textures should be kept linear.
    You should also set the Renderer ROP -> Color Mapping -> RGB Color Space to Aces.

    I've also attached a couple of screenshots related to the VFB setup (and the environment variables you could set in case you don't want to do this manually):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	houdinifx_2024-01-08_09-23-17.png
Views:	343
Size:	31.4 KB
ID:	1199125

    Click image for larger version

Name:	SystemPropertiesAdvanced_2024-01-08_09-24-16.png
Views:	304
Size:	4.4 KB
ID:	1199126 ​​​​​​

    Best regards!


    • #3
      I am encountering a similar issue, I have some of my textures with Aces already applied and want to bring them in as ACEScg and others that are srgb. When I use the image file node I do not want to use the auto detect and I set it to what its supposed to be in RGB primaries but it doesn't seem to make a difference to my textures unless I have auto on the transfer function selected.

      My understanding is that RGB primaries should override whatever the transfer function is, is that not the case?

      Also the OCIO tab appears to do the same thing in a more convoluted manner.


      • #4
        Alright quick update on this post!

        I'm working on a project in which I'm creating a character. To this point, everything is fine, but for some reason whenevr I switch from my viewport render settings to the render render settings. The character's iris color changes drastically. I managed to find out that it's when I switch my render's Color mapping from SRGB to ACEScg... But my painter project is in ACES and it shows fine, so there must be a way for me to get it right??

        Down bellow you'll find a quick houdini setup I did for the eyes as well as the model and color map... If you want to test it out? I'm also using ACES 1.2 on my coputer.. don't know if that could be an issue?

        Thank you!

        Here's the link for the HIP file:

