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Cryptomatte and Deadline

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  • Cryptomatte and Deadline


    I can't seem to get Cryptomatte to work when rendering my scene with Deadline.
    When I render my scene in the VFB, the Cryptomatte shows a different ID for each packed object. This is what I want.
    When I render with Deadline, it has the same ID (default) for all the objects.

    I am using Node User Attribute in the Cryptomatte render channel. You can see a screenshot of my settings
    I have a name string on my objects. You can see the spreadsheet attached.

    I also have the attribute specified in "forced attributes" on the object node.
    To cover my bases, I also have it forced in the render ROP.

    The objects are generated with a copy to points node. The geometry is packed.

    What am I missing here?

    Houdini 18.0.460
    Last edited by Dubbie99; 15-06-2020, 07:46 PM.

  • #2
    It is preferred to use VfH as standalone when rendering on a farm, because it is highly possible fixes and features which are available in VfH nightly build to not been added to official standalone build yet.
    Georgy Chakarov | QA


    • #3
      I understand. I didn’t realise that there was a vRay for Houdini stand-alone mode.
      does it consume workstation licenses though? Or can we use our normal render licenses to render?


      • #4
        Hey Dubbie99 ,

        only a Render Node license is consumed when rendering VRScenes straight from the vray.exe - this holds true for all integrations. GUI licenses are only used when working inside a DCC application, e.g. Maya, Houdini, etc.

        Best regards!


        • #5
          WIll the generic Max/Maya render licenses work to render VRay Houdini scenes? Or do we need to buy specific Houdini render licenses?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dubbie99 View Post
            WIll the generic Max/Maya render licenses work to render VRay Houdini scenes? Or do we need to buy specific Houdini render licenses?
            I think I've confused you...

            So, you have two license types:
            1. GUI (Graphical User Interface) licenses - you need those to open V-Ray in the application, use the materials, textures, tweak the render settings, and so on. For example, to use V-Ray for 3ds Max, you need a V-Ray GUI license for 3ds Max. To use V-Ray for Houdini, you need a V-Ray GUI license for Houdini.
            2. To render with V-Ray, you need a V-Ray Render Node license. A Render Node license is always used when you hit render - it doesn't matter if you hit "Render" in 3ds Max, or Maya, or Houdini.

            So, if you have Render Node licenses that came with Max/Maya - those will work perfectly fine with V-Ray for Houdini.

            Does that answer your question ?

            Best regards!



            • #7
              Yes it does. Thanks!
              I just know there was a time when render licenses weren't universal. I'm glad they are now.



              • #8
                Awesome, glad we figured it out
                By the way, as of recently there are also universal GUI licenses, e.g.
                May be worth looking into in case you jump a lot between DCCs.

                Best regards!


                • #9
                  Btw, there is no need to force attributes if the attribute name is used at Tex User Color/Float/Int, Tex TriPlanar (random by user attribute) and Cryptomatte (in user attribute mode) - those values are collected and forced automatically.
                  V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
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