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(Resolved) How to create an Ambient Occlusion AO global pass for each ROP render node?

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  • (Resolved) How to create an Ambient Occlusion AO global pass for each ROP render node?

    I found the Render Elements (OUT>Render Elements > Channels) and the Vray Dirt node but unsure how to add the AO as a render element for multi-channel EXR. Documentation fails to show how this all connects. I have a thousand shaders in this scene so applying the dirt to the shader is not desired, I want to do this entirely with ROPS.


    Not sure how to export a global AO pass for each shot so I can just multiply it in AE.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Gosho.Genchev; 01-03-2021, 08:26 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by garretthoyos View Post
    I found the Render Elements (OUT>Render Elements > Channels) and the Vray Dirt node but unsure how to add the AO as a render element for multi-channel EXR. Documentation fails to show how this all connects. I have a thousand shaders in this scene so applying the dirt to the shader is not desired, I want to do this entirely with ROPS.


    Not sure how to export a global AO pass for each shot so I can just multiply it in AE.
    Hi garretthoyos,

    You can use the "extraTex" to export any type of color data you need, see my example:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	elements.png
Views:	875
Size:	191.1 KB
ID:	1103454

    You can also use this method to export things like point position, normals, etc.

    David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


    • #3
      Hi garretthoyos ,like david.anastacio wrote, dirt or sampler tex should go through extraTex befor connected to "channelsContainer" VOP. As to the " AO pass for each shot", V-Ray ROP support multiple RenderElements containers, so you could create one "global" container and assign it along with other shot specific.
      Georgy Chakarov | QA


      • #4
        Thanks Chakarov and David!


        • #5
          Originally posted by david.anastacio View Post

          Hi garretthoyos,

          You can use the "extraTex" to export any type of color data you need, see my example:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	elements.png
Views:	875
Size:	191.1 KB
ID:	1103454

          You can also use this method to export things like point position, normals, etc.


          Is there a way to only render a render element without the beauty pass? For example I rendered the beauty already and forgot to render ambient occlusion. Can I somehow only render the ambient occlusion render element?

          Greetings Lucca


          • #6
            Originally posted by andreyluccahannes View Post

            Is there a way to only render a render element without the beauty pass? For example I rendered the beauty already and forgot to render ambient occlusion. Can I somehow only render the ambient occlusion render element?

            Greetings Lucca
            Nope, you need to re-render something, but you don't need to re-render you beauty in full, just render a self illuminated version with no lights. use a self-illuminated material with a falloff, you need some detail in the render so you get some sampling in it and the falloff gives you changing shades in your subject instead of the flat render the simple self-ilum would give you.

            David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX

