I am afraid there is yet another issue with alembics that have a frameoffset via intrinsic:abcframe. This time it seems, that everything is working in the gui (with pproduction render) but when exporting to vrscene for standalone rendering the frames seem not to get updated correctly. I did already create a ticket for it (#22562) that includes an example scene but as this is very urgent for us I am also posting this here in the hope to get some attention from bdancer.
I am afraid there is yet another issue with alembics that have a frameoffset via intrinsic:abcframe. This time it seems, that everything is working in the gui (with pproduction render) but when exporting to vrscene for standalone rendering the frames seem not to get updated correctly. I did already create a ticket for it (#22562) that includes an example scene but as this is very urgent for us I am also posting this here in the hope to get some attention from bdancer.