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Can't get BakerTool UDIMs to work

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  • Can't get BakerTool UDIMs to work


    I'm having some trouble getting the BakerTool to output UDIM tiles. With the UDIM-toggle disabled, files are written to disk as expected; with the UDIM-toggle enabled, nothing gets output. In addition there are errors in the log (see screenshot).

    I've attached a simple test-scene and hope someone can tell me whether I'm doing something wrong, or the BakerTool utility is being buggy?


  • #2
    Hello Dan Andersen I noticed that you have posted a similar question in the Solaris/USD page. Could you please clarify whether you need the UDIM Baking in the OBJ or in the STAGE network?


    • #3
      To bake your UDIMs you need to go to the OUT Net > V-Ray Renderer and click on the Bake to Texture to uncover the Bake settings. Then adjust the paths, objects and values as you desire and render:

      Make sure to have the <UDIM> in your output file name.

      More information about the Baking process you can find here:


      • #4
        Could you please clarify whether you need the UDIM Baking in the OBJ or in the STAGE network?
        I'd prefer to do it in /stage really, but I wasn't sure it was fully supported yet (the bake-options in the render globals seem rather limited), so I went to /obj instead. Is the Solaris baker a completely separate integration, or does it rely on /obj still?

        To bake your UDIMs you need to go to the OUT Net > V-Ray Renderer and click on the Bake to Texture to uncover the Bake setting
        Thanks for the video and info. I went through the docs as well as all the texture-bake related forum threads I could find yesterday but never managed to get it to work. Following your example in the video it still doesn't output any UDIM tiles when I click "Render to Disk". Does this actually work on your end? It writes 1001.exr, 1002.exr, 1011.exr to disk?


        • #5
          Hi Dan Andersen , the UDIM baking will work correctly in next nigthly build.
          Georgy Chakarov | QA


          • #6
            Good news, thank you chakarov !

