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Material Assignment Breaks When Trying to Render Materials Within Published HDA

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  • Material Assignment Breaks When Trying to Render Materials Within Published HDA

    Rocky Linux

    V-Ray for Houdini hash:82c1b12 from 19 Feb 2024 13:10
    V-Ray Core 6.20.05 [31923cf8] from 17 Feb 2024

    Houdini 19.5.605​

    V-Ray materials in a HDA do not work properly when assigned to material node.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Create a subnet in /mat
    2. Add three V-Ray material builder nodes
    3. Modify the V-Ray BRDFVRayMtl node in each material builder node and set the Color field to a unique color (ex. red, green, blue)
    4. Name the V-Ray material builder nodes accordingly
    5. From the subnet, create an HDA (default options are fine)
    6. Create a geo node in /obj and create a testcrag node
    7. Create a material node and set its input to testcrag
    8. In the Group field of the material node use the dropdown to select a primitive name
    9. In the Material field of the material node, browse to the created HDA and select a material builder node
    10. Repeat steps 8-9 for the remaining two material builder nodes in the HDA
    11. Create a camera and a V-Ray dome light
    12. Create a V-Ray render node
    13. Use the VFB to render crag

    The V-Ray materials in the hda are assigned to test crags selected groups. A unique color for each assigned geometry.


    A single material is assigned to each group. If "/vrayOutput" is added to the Material path of the material node, things render as we would expect.

  • #2
    Is it possible to share the hip file to make sure we are fixing the exact setup you have?
    V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
    Support Request


    • #3
      Hey john_morch ,

      Could you please send over your scene with the HDA so we can investigate? I followed your setup and the result seems to match the expectations:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	houdinifx_2024-11-26_13-56-02.png
Views:	82
Size:	478.1 KB
ID:	1221203

      I've embedded the HDA in my file, attached below.

      It would also help to give us the exact V-Ray build that you're using - you can find it under the Houdini Top Menu -> V-Ray -> About V-Ray -> Copy to Clipboard.

      Best regards!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        bdancer Gosho.Genchev Thanks for taking a look.

        V-Ray for Houdini hash:82c1b12 from 19 Feb 2024 13:10
        V-Ray Core 6.20.05 [31923cf8] from 17 Feb 2024​

        Houdini 19.5.605​

        Rocky Linux

        Attached is my setup.
        I'll take a look at your file. Thank you!
        Attached Files
        Last edited by john_morch; 26-11-2024, 08:26 AM.


        • #5
          Gosho.Genchev I checked your scene and unfortunately, I'm still getting only one shader assigned to all the geo.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	59
Size:	105.5 KB
ID:	1221246


          • #6
            Hey john_morch ,

            Unless you're locked to this particular V-Ray for Houdini build version, may I suggest grabbing a recent stable builds from the nightlies section? I double-checked to make sure this works as expected there.
            You can find the stable builds here:

            If you don't have access, the support team will be able to quickly provide you with it:

            Best regards!


            • #7
              Gosho.Genchev I tried 6.20.23 and I'm still getting the same issue.

              V-Ray for Houdini number:22761 hash:954828e from 22 Sep 2024 01:17
              V-Ray Core 6.20.23 [e22648ee] from 12 Sep 2024​

              I've attached my test file for 6.20.23.
              Are there any V-Ray environment variables, V-Ray render settings or VFB settings that could cause this to happen?
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Hey john_morch ,

                Here's 20.5 with the stable build you're using, and your scene:

                Click image for larger version  Name:	houdinifx_2024-11-28_12-39-14.png Views:	0 Size:	690.9 KB ID:	1221342

                Here's 19.5 with the same setup:

                Click image for larger version  Name:	houdinifx_2024-11-28_12-42-00.png Views:	0 Size:	841.7 KB ID:	1221343

                I see in your scene that the Renderer ROP is set to "Export" so I assume you're generating VRScenes and sending them to a render farm - what is the V-Ray version deployed on the render farm? Ideally, it should be the same stable build that you're working with on your workstation.

                Click image for larger version  Name:	explorer_2024-11-28_12-46-11.png Views:	0 Size:	747.7 KB ID:	1221344

                Best regards!


                • #9
                  We do export out scenes on the farm and then have a separate vray standalone render job. But the tests I was running were all local. I changed the "Export Mode" to "No Export" and that didn't make a difference either- again running locally. Must be some other setting or environment somewhere causing this issue on our end. Either way, we've updated our tooling to just add "/vrayOutput" to the material path. Thanks for the help!

