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Getting textures from a primitive string attribute

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  • Getting textures from a primitive string attribute

    I have a mesh from Google Earth, it has a bunch of textures on a primitive attribute.

    How can I get these to read and render with vray in Solaris?

    In the old workflow I was alble to use "<basecolor_texture>" in an override. This does not seem to work in Solaris

    This is how it looks in viewport:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	STADIUM_FLIPBOOK assemble_00030.png
Views:	71
Size:	4.38 MB
ID:	1227532

  • #2
    I have got part of the way to a solution in Solaris with MaterialX and Karma. The MaterialX Geometry Property Value node appear to be able to read the texturepath string attribute, when I plug into an image node I get an error but the textures actually render but only a single channel so its black and white... It renders like this in Karma CPU but vray does not appear to support these MaterialX nodes. I have not found anything similiar in vray only usercolor, or userfloat, uservector....

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2025-02-18 173338.png
Views:	50
Size:	3.47 MB
ID:	1227535


    • #3
      Hello design_technology1 , seems to work on my side.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	tvnviewer_ezXLmxlTed.png
Views:	67
Size:	818.5 KB
ID:	1227568
      Attached Files
      Georgy Chakarov | QA


      • #4
        Oh... wow that works. I thought I had tried this. Thank you!

