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Substance Designer Material

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  • Substance Designer Material

    Hello. Any chance to use Substance Designer materials loaded in shop network using their plugin with V-ray?

  • #2
    Hello Mikhalenko , for now only the V-Ray materials and textures are supported, but I'll add you request in our todo list. And will message you when I know something more.
    Georgy Chakarov | QA


    • #3
      There is no way to use it directly - you have to bake textures into files.

      However I'm not sure how do u plan to use it.
      We have several options:
      1. Use those files to recreate node setup manully using Maya setup as reference
      2. We could add some Python generator of such setups.
      3. We could create some wrapper node that'll reference "substance_shop" node and export it automatically (however no tweaking in this case).
      3. Some more complex wrapper node with various tweaks (uv map selection per-texture, tiling etc).
      V-Ray For Houdini | V-Ray Hydra Delegate | VRayScene
      Support Request


      • #4
        As far as i know SideFX is working on the tools/nodes to load substance materials directly into COPs, it was revealed/discussed few weeks back on Siggraph. More info here

        Theoretically, after they do this, we should be able to grab outputs of substance maps directly from COPs with just refering to the node with OP: -

        Peter Sanitra - -


        • #5
          Originally posted by bdancer View Post
          There is no way to use it directly - you have to bake textures into files.

          However I'm not sure how do u plan to use it.
          We have several options:
          1. Use those files to recreate node setup manully using Maya setup as reference
          2. We could add some Python generator of such setups.
          3. We could create some wrapper node that'll reference "substance_shop" node and export it automatically (however no tweaking in this case).
          3. Some more complex wrapper node with various tweaks (uv map selection per-texture, tiling etc).
          I thought abou something similar to 3ds max. where we upload substance material via plugin and can tweak settings from substance without exiting 3ds max. For now in Houdini substance node can be created only in shop contex, may be we/you can contact Allegorithmic for collaboration and make support of their plugin in mat contex and make it work good with V-ray, because for now in 3ds max for example Substance Materails not work with IPR, because changing setting cause crash of 3ds max. But for now yes, simple way it's just bake material into texture files


          • #6
            Has this been updated?

            Today I am testing to see if we can load Substance SBSAR files made in Substance Designer into Houdini and plug the outputs into a Vray material. I can load the Substance SBSAR and it creates a COPnet with the different outputs but I can't see how this would connect to the Vray material node as they are created in different areas in the UI.

