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ocean spectra for displacement

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  • #16
    Here too would be very nice to have!


    • #17
      One more vote from me, this would be a killer feature!


      • #18
        I am not sure does it work on production level and what could be the problems, I was not on ocean/water project recently, but you can pick spectra data and feed it into texture, like this:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	ocean.jpg
Views:	765
Size:	137.2 KB
ID:	1113172


        • #19
          Originally posted by docaml View Post
          I am not sure does it work on production level and what could be the problems, I was not on ocean/water project recently, but you can pick spectra data and feed it into texture, like this:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	ocean.jpg
Views:	765
Size:	137.2 KB
ID:	1113172
          Hey docaml,

          That's not the ocean spectrum data you are picking for the displacement, you are pluging in the baked maps directly into the displacement. That is the standard workflow to make ocean spectrums renderable outside of mantra. You are just saving yourself the step of saving those maps out and reading them back in, but when you create your vrscene all those maps will be baked into the vrscene.

          What we are looking for is native support of the ocean spectrum, like LeoYfver said in his original post:

          ... if its possible to make a vray node taking use of houdinis spectra and masking for oceans like in "ocean sample layers" vop node.
          We would like to use the spectrum and ocean sample layers directly.

          We can of course bake out a displacement but then we need a whole frame range with very high resolution textures or bake it to geometry which becomes quick super heavy.
          And this is the issue with the texture baking, it's super heavy, and you don't bake them out to textures then they'll end up in the vrscenes making them gigantic too.

          David Anastácio // Accenture Song - VFX


          • #20
            david.anastacio Aha, I see. Didn't read carefully all the posts.


            • #21
              Bumping this again.
              Have just done another job where having VRay support ocean spectra would have saved days of work.

              Houdini gets used a lot for water and oceans, so having this feature missing is a very noticeable hole in the integration.


              • #22
                Another bump to register my extreme interest in this!

