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Using bump/normal mapping in Vray for Maya

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  • Using bump/normal mapping in Vray for Maya

    I always used to turn off anti aliasing and change filter to nearest for all my bump and normal maps in Vray for Modo and other renderers
    This gives really nice results with bump/normal maps and all the tiny details are not washed out in the final render, but it might render slightly slower
    Is there a way to turn off AA for textures in Vray for Maya? or this is done on the fly in Vray for Maya? do you guys change anything for your bump/normal maps?
    I'm using now the override texture filter and set it to nearest, but it doesn't seem to do anything with Vray GPU

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Muhammed_Hamed; 13-10-2018, 05:27 PM.
    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist

  • #2
    I don't know about support of texture filtering on GPU, last I heard that didn't work but that was at least a year ago. What about the other options, like Biquadtratic instead of Bilinear smoothing, or using the Elliptical filter? The change log for VRay 3.50 lists a bug fix for the elliptical filter on GPU, so maybe that's implemented. You can also try lowering the Filter value in the Effects panel and see if that does anything

    edit: misread the question
    Last edited by dgruwier; 15-10-2018, 12:08 AM.


    • #3
      Thanks David!
      Texture filtering still doesn't work on GPU
      I have done many testings and came to conclusion that "nearest" is best to use with bump maps/normal maps(works only on CPU)
      This gives sharper results than turning filter off completely or using any other filter types.
      Ellipitical is quite good too, but it only works on CPU in my testing. Biquadtratic uses a lot of smoothing, so it is not good for bump/normal mapping.
      On GPU it will not matter much, as none of these filter types is supported.
      Muhammed Hamed
      V-Ray GPU product specialist

