I'm trying to do a long exposure motionblur for rendered sequence, where the motionblur lasts over 100 frames backwards in time, to be added on top of a render of the exact same object that has regular 180 degree motionblur. So for instance if a person walking would leave a transparent trail behind them that lasts for several steps back in time. As they keep walking, the trail would keep following them, by 100 frames (or however many is chosen).
I can get beautiful looking long shutter motionblur, however I can't seem to get the motionblur to NOT blur in front of the person walking, it's always infront and behind him. I feel like the interval center parameter is what would do this, but it can't be adjusted beyond -1.0
I can get it to work by offsetting the long shutter render. If my motionblur is 100 frames long, I can offset it in nuke by 50 frames, and it lines up and does what I want. Is there a way to do this without offsetting the frames?
Is this possible? Or am I just missing a parameter somewhere?
I can get beautiful looking long shutter motionblur, however I can't seem to get the motionblur to NOT blur in front of the person walking, it's always infront and behind him. I feel like the interval center parameter is what would do this, but it can't be adjusted beyond -1.0
I can get it to work by offsetting the long shutter render. If my motionblur is 100 frames long, I can offset it in nuke by 50 frames, and it lines up and does what I want. Is there a way to do this without offsetting the frames?
Is this possible? Or am I just missing a parameter somewhere?