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Are fogs behaving normally in Maya ?

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  • Are fogs behaving normally in Maya ?


    I'm doodled again around with fog for horizon. I cannot so seem to get what I want. Simple scene, HDRI, phoenix sea, sun (disabled). I tried Vray environment fog and AerialPerspective, but none of those seem to give me the expected result.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VrayAerialPerspective.jpg
Views:	261
Size:	757.4 KB
ID:	1104635

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VrayEnvironmentFog.jpg
Views:	327
Size:	698.2 KB
ID:	1104634

    No fog
    Click image for larger version

Name:	no_fog.jpg
Views:	222
Size:	761.4 KB
ID:	1104636

    With Aerial perspective I have this Ugly white line and it doesn't do anything on the sea (I expect it is meant to be like that), and with VrayEnvironmentFog you have always this grey area (here on the right), and it bleaches out the sea.
    VrayEnvironmentFog is nice (and it renders actually faster than without fog), but I would want to have also a setting for the bottom of the fog to be able to clip the fog from 0-> min to 500-> max, for example. Also, it would be nice to be able to render out the fog only in the render element (as for the glare, for example) to add it only on comp. Maybe I overlooked this feature if it's already possible.

    any hints ?

  • #2
    The results seem to be as expected in my opinion. Since you like the VRayEnvironmentFog version (and are asking for some sort of clipping), you may use a Gizmo/Container to contain the fog and manipulate it as you wish.
    It is already possible, fogs are separately saved in the Atmospheric Effects render element.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by aleksandar.hadzhiev View Post
      The results seem to be as expected in my opinion. Since you like the VRayEnvironmentFog version (and are asking for some sort of clipping), you may use a Gizmo/Container to contain the fog and manipulate it as you wish.
      It is already possible, fogs are separately saved in the Atmospheric Effects render element.
      Thanks Aleksandar. I will try the container, yes. As for the render element, yes, I have the element, but fog is also in the beauty or effectsresult. I would like to render the fog in an element without having it in the beauty.


      • #4
        You would have to do a separate rendering for that, I'm afraid.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          That's what was my understanding, but I think it could be a feature to able to separate completely the fog in the same manner as we can do for the glare. I know glare is a post-effect which makes it possible. maybe it's feasible to have a post-fog which takes into account the Z-depth and all objects in scene

