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refractive GI caustics for animation...?

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  • refractive GI caustics for animation...?

    Are there "ideal" settings to use to reduce flicker in animations with refractive GI turned on? I really like how the refractive GI looks in stills, but for animations the flicker I'm getting makes it unusable. The transparent material is (non-glossy) glass. I've tried cranking my irmap accuracy settings but nothing seems to remove the flicker.

    Here are the highest settings I've used so far:

    Min/max -3/1
    Subdivs 50
    Interp 150
    Interp frames 2
    Color thresh .2, normal .1, dist .5

    My background is mental ray so my usual approach with final gather was always to use a relatively low accuracy with high interpolation to avoid flicker.

    Even with a prepass there is still quite a lot of flicker happening in the GI caustics. I could always use the "affect shadows" option but it doesn't look nearly as good; I actually don't seem to get any shadows from the glass at all in this case. Are there specific settings I should be changing in order to clean this up? Or are GI caustics just not an option for animation right now? Are there alternatives?

  • #2
    Well, the scene rendered, but I had to turn my GI subdivs and interpolation up even higher-- 150 and 200. Needless to say it was about 3 hours per frame. I would love to hear if there are better ways to handle refractive GI noise...


    • #3
      Depending on the scene, you can try using photon-mapped caustics for this.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

