Are there "ideal" settings to use to reduce flicker in animations with refractive GI turned on? I really like how the refractive GI looks in stills, but for animations the flicker I'm getting makes it unusable. The transparent material is (non-glossy) glass. I've tried cranking my irmap accuracy settings but nothing seems to remove the flicker.
Here are the highest settings I've used so far:
Min/max -3/1
Subdivs 50
Interp 150
Interp frames 2
Color thresh .2, normal .1, dist .5
My background is mental ray so my usual approach with final gather was always to use a relatively low accuracy with high interpolation to avoid flicker.
Even with a prepass there is still quite a lot of flicker happening in the GI caustics. I could always use the "affect shadows" option but it doesn't look nearly as good; I actually don't seem to get any shadows from the glass at all in this case. Are there specific settings I should be changing in order to clean this up? Or are GI caustics just not an option for animation right now? Are there alternatives?
Here are the highest settings I've used so far:
Min/max -3/1
Subdivs 50
Interp 150
Interp frames 2
Color thresh .2, normal .1, dist .5
My background is mental ray so my usual approach with final gather was always to use a relatively low accuracy with high interpolation to avoid flicker.
Even with a prepass there is still quite a lot of flicker happening in the GI caustics. I could always use the "affect shadows" option but it doesn't look nearly as good; I actually don't seem to get any shadows from the glass at all in this case. Are there specific settings I should be changing in order to clean this up? Or are GI caustics just not an option for animation right now? Are there alternatives?