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Vray Globals vs individual shader adjustments

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  • Vray Globals vs individual shader adjustments

    I was just curious on how many people here really completely on the image sampler to sample vs doing them yourself light samples, shaders samples etc?

  • #2
    I guess it depends on how much time you want to spend fiddling with the separate settings...

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I use the global DMC multiplier set to 0.01 to negate the effect of any per shader settings, but sometimes, rect-lights for example, I want to increase the subdivisions, so I set something like 400 or 800 on the light.


      • #4
        I've been using dmc with adaptive amt set to 0.9. That handles most noise, then I render a version with all the elements active, to see where noise might be coming from. Then i up the subdivs on the offending item. Often large area lights. Since adaptive amt is so high, the offender needs to be upped way high to account for it having a divided effect. So far, so good for me, and many scenes don't even need manual adjustment.


        • #5
          yea i was just curious because i hear alot of people just put there setting at min 2 and max 100, i did a small test scene with some glossy reflections and tried both ways, one render with min 2 max 100 and threshold at .007 adaptive amount default .850 and the render came back about 2:56 with very noticeable noise, and all i had was an dome light with HDR image and the shader and light at 8 sub. My next render was min 1 max 4 threshold 0.20 shader at 24 subs and light at 32 subs and my render came back at 1:56 sec and way better quality with barely any noise. check the images the first one is min2 max 100 second is shaders and light subs adjusted.I hear alot that using min2 and max100 is the way to go but i kinda think adjusted them individually in most cases will get you better results and faster.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by kriscabrera15 View Post
            I hear alot that using min2 and max100 is the way to go but i kinda think adjusted them individually in most cases will get you better results and faster.
            Yes, for sure with manual tweaking you can get faster renders. There is the idea for a tool that would do a number of low-res test versions of an image to figure out the optimal settings, but we haven't gotten there yet.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Ahh nice! yea i have been told not to manual tweak because the result aren't the same (meaning worse) but i have always worked manually tweaking since day 1 with vray, and in my opinion (Like urs) if you know vray then manual tweaks are better, but its good to hear that from you.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kriscabrera15 View Post
                Ahh nice! yea i have been told not to manual tweak because the result aren't the same (meaning worse)
                Well, it works only when one knows what they are doing

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

