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Mudbox Simple Diffuse PTex

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  • Mudbox Simple Diffuse PTex

    Hello all,
    I'm trying to get mudbox PTex files to work in Vray. At the moment, just simple diffuse ones. The Mudbox side of things is fantastic (looks exactly right, and rather lovely in Mudbox). While rendering in Maya VRay however, the textures tend to shear/get offset at the quad borders in random places. The effect is vaguely similar to heavy Jpeg artifacting.

    I'm positive it's not Vray at fault, however, as MARI output files are rendered perfectly. (why not use MARI ?.. sculpt pipeline, as well as package familiarity).

    Mudbox Ptex options are limited as far as I can tell, but I suspect I must be missing something. Does this ring a bell for anyone at all ?
    I know this is the Vray forum, not Mudbox, but being as VRay is the only viable way of rendering Ptex, I thought one os us might be more clued up.


    I've been trawling forums for a clue, but most of the mudbox Ptex feedback seems to be Displacement related.

  • #2
    The fix is pretty simple, and it should be better documented. You need to smooth to your highest level in Mudbox BEFORE setting up ptex. Here are the original threads on this issue.


    • #3
      Ah unfortunately it doesn't seem that simple. I've atached an example image from a scrap test to hilight the problem. Not the same shared by the forum posts in the link as far as I can tell (ap. I'd seen that post in my trawling and tried that route, but just double (triple) checked again.

      even with smoothing (subdividing) before setting up for Ptex
      even saving and testing at various subdivision levels including root.

      PTex from 3DCoat comes out perfect in VRay as well. Just Mudbox is giving me the problem. In all honesty I could probaby stick with 3DCoat all the way, but this Mudbox>Vray thing is haunting me.


      • #4
        Actually, this shouldn't be on the VRay forums at all (sorry guys). It really is only a Mudbox output problem. I just tried loading a Mudbox Ptex into 3DCoat and loads into 3DCoat exactly as VRay renders it. Mudbox is the culprit.


        • #5
          Can you upload your attachment again? I'd really like to see this since we use mudbox for texture/sculpt with vray ptex.


          • #6
            The attachment is still there .. it's just a link to a screengrab illustrating the issue. (just click on the link in post#3)


            • #7
              Have you tried a newer nightly build? We had some filtering issues in the original implementation.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Actually, that was from yesterdays build Vlado. I genuinely have no problem with 3DCoat or Mari output, so I don't think it's a VRay problem. Again, sorry for holding this forum.

