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VRay EXR to Nuke Camera

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  • #16
    awesome - thanks, it works now. This is amazing, not having to deal with FBX camera nodes at all. My plates are matched perfectly.
    Dave Girard | |


    • #17
      Yes. It's one of the greatest workflow improvements in the last 1 or 2 years for me.


      • #18
        Ehi guys, i'm trying to get this working with nuke 7 (outputting from max though), but apparently i can't create anything.
        Any help?
        KCTOO - Directors


        • #19
          Originally posted by kagemaru View Post
          Ehi guys, i'm trying to get this working with nuke 7 (outputting from max though), but apparently i can't create anything.
          Any help?
          Did you got it to work? I see few posts earlier that Stephen has managed to get correct result from Max as well.
          Tashko Zashev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #20
            Originally posted by tashko.zashev View Post
            Did you got it to work? I see few posts earlier that Stephen has managed to get correct result from Max as well.
            Actually no, i've just tried with latest renders from vray 2.40.04 (last stable build for max) and nukex7.0v5 but it just outputs "no metadata for camera found".
            I haven't deeply investigated, but with a ViewMetaData node i can see camera informations are in there, something's wrong with how the script reads the file (at least in my case).

            We use standard cameras, not vray ones.

            I think i managed to catch what was wrong: basically in my files metadata "FocalLenght" is defined as "Fov", changing names worked. There's still something strange about rotations (even pluggin -90 x axis rotation doesn't look right), i'll try to see if i can match an fbx camera i used (which i'm sure is doing things right).
            Don't know if this difference has happened on vray or nuke side.
            Last edited by kagemaru; 27-08-2013, 06:06 AM.
            KCTOO - Directors


            • #21
              Originally posted by kagemaru View Post
              Actually no, i've just tried with latest renders from vray 2.40.04 (last stable build for max) and nukex7.0v5 but it just outputs "no metadata for camera found".
              I haven't deeply investigated, but with a ViewMetaData node i can see camera informations are in there, something's wrong with how the script reads the file (at least in my case).
              Ok so i figured out also the rotation stuff, i had to cut out the part of the script where he manipulates the rotation matrix (i have to be honest, i don't know much about them) and since i was on it i already put an axis node connected to the camera that does the Y up switch and also set the vertical aperture that was missing.
              In this way my fbx camera and the one extracted from exr match.
              This has been tested with nukeX7v0.5 and renders from Max (sorry for the cross post).

              import math
              import nuke
              import nukescripts
              def createExrCamVray():
                  Create a camera node based on VRay metadata.
                  This works specifically on VRay data coming from maya.
                  #Big thanks to Ivan Busquets who helped me put this together!
                  #(ok, ok, he really helped me a lot)
                  #Also thanks to Nathan Dunsworth for giving me solid ideas and some code to get me started.
                  ### TODO : add progress bar (even though it's really not needed here) that works
                  node = nuke.selectedNode()
                  mDat = node.metadata()
                  # reqFields = ['exr/camera%s' % i for i in ('FocalLength', 'Aperture', 'Transform')]
                  reqFields = ['exr/camera%s' % i for i in ('Fov', 'Aperture', 'Transform')]
                  if not set( reqFields ).issubset( mDat ):
                      print 'no metadata for camera found'
                  first = node.firstFrame()
                  last = node.lastFrame()
                  ret = nuke.getFramesAndViews( 'Create Camera from Metadata', '%s-%s' %( first, last )  )
                  fRange = nuke.FrameRange( ret[0] )
                  myAxis = nuke.createNode('Axis2')
                  cam = nuke.createNode( 'Camera2' )
                  cam['useMatrix'].setValue( False )
                  for k in ( 'focal', 'haperture', 'vaperture', 'translate', 'rotate'):
                  #task = nuke.ProgressTask( 'Baking camera from meta data in %s' % )
                  for curTask, frame in enumerate( fRange ):
                      #if task.isCancelled():
                          #nuke.executeInMainThread( nuke.message, args=( "Phew!" ) )
                      #task.setMessage( 'processing frame %s' % frame )
                      # IB. If you get both focal and aperture as they are in the metadata, there's no guarantee
                      # your Nuke camera will have the same FOV as the one that rendered the scene (because the render could have been fit to horizontal, to vertical, etc)
                      # Nuke always fits to the horizontal aperture. If you set the horizontal aperture as it is in the metadata,
                      # then you should use the FOV in the metadata to figure out the correct focal length for Nuke's camera
                      # Or, you could keep the focal as is in the metadata, and change the horizontal_aperture instead.
                      # I'll go with the former here. Set the haperture knob as per the metadata, and derive the focal length from the FOV
                      val = node.metadata( 'exr/cameraAperture', frame) # get horizontal aperture
                      fov = node.metadata( 'exr/cameraFov', frame) # get camera FOV
                      imHeight = node.metadata( 'input/height', frame) # get image height
                      imWidth = node.metadata( 'input/width', frame) # get image width
                      focal = val / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(fov)/2.0)) # convert the fov and aperture into focal length
                      vAper = val / ( float(imWidth) / float(imHeight) ) # get the camera vertical aperture
                      matrixCamera = node.metadata( 'exr/cameraTransform', frame) # get camera transform data
                      #Create a matrix to shove the original data into 
                      matrixCreated = nuke.math.Matrix4()
                      for k,v in enumerate(matrixCamera):
                          matrixCreated[k] = v
                      # matrixCreated.rotateX(math.radians(-90)) # this is needed for VRay.  It's a counter clockwise rotation
                      translate = matrixCreated.transform(nuke.math.Vector3(0,0,0))  # Get a vector that represents the camera translation   
                      rotate = matrixCreated.rotationsZXY() # give us xyz rotations from cam matrix (must be converted to degrees)
              Thanks for this useful script guys.
              KCTOO - Directors


              • #22
                Hi again,

                Thanks for the update, good to know that.
                Tashko Zashev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #23
                  Regarding using this in Max (and excuse my lack of understanding of Nuke), I'm getting a message saying:

                  createExrCamVray() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

                  Traceback (most recent call last):
                  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
                  Last edited by DPS; 05-09-2013, 09:11 PM.
                  Win10 x64, 3DS Max 2017 19.0, Vray 3.60.03
                  Threadripper 1950x, 64GB RAM, Aurous Gaming 7 x399,


                  • #24
                    tashko.zashev Is there any chance somebody has this updated to work with nuke 13?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ronald_a View Post
                      tashko.zashev Is there any chance somebody has this updated to work with nuke 13?
                      I don't know If someone has an updated version of the script.
                      Tashko Zashev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us

