I am looking for the VRayMetaball object I desperately need for a current project as the regular maya blobby particles aren't rendered with VRay and I need something to render some water splashes.
Unfortunately I cannot seem to find it. Any ideas how to get it? Is it only available in the nightlies?
It's referenced in a different post http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbu...t=VRayMetaball
Vlado also commented on this:
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Unfortunately I cannot seem to find it. Any ideas how to get it? Is it only available in the nightlies?
It's referenced in a different post http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbu...t=VRayMetaball
Vlado also commented on this:
When you create a VRayMetaball object, there are also two sets that are created - one for positive particles (which add to the metaball field) and one for negative particles (which subtract from the metaball field). You can use the relationship editor to attach particle system nodes to the positive set.