There is any way to get Parallel light in Vray for Maya?. I'm sure to have been readed about a check box for get Rect_Light throwing parallel light rays, but I believe it was for Cinema or Max, I don't remember exactly right now. But I can't find something similar in Maya.
It's truth in Maya we can find in Create>Vray>Create From V-Ray Plugin>Light some "new?" lights (similar to the 3dsMax ones?), but the fact is that I don't know how to use it.
I'm trying to replicate full moon light, so I need a clean shadow, like the sun one, but actually sun & sky is not a way to get a moonlight scene.
So, what light should I use?. I imagine Maya directional light wouldn't provide physically correct results (beside, I'd like not lost the ability to play with luxes directly).
Hdr maps/Ibl always will be an option, but right now I'm looking for something different than Ibl.
Any suggestions/ideas?
...eeerr, another related question. When we check "No Decay" in a light, it means doesn't exist decay from light source to the first bounce of the light ray, right?. After first bounce, decay get back at its normal behaviour. Or am I confused about?.
It's truth in Maya we can find in Create>Vray>Create From V-Ray Plugin>Light some "new?" lights (similar to the 3dsMax ones?), but the fact is that I don't know how to use it.
I'm trying to replicate full moon light, so I need a clean shadow, like the sun one, but actually sun & sky is not a way to get a moonlight scene.
So, what light should I use?. I imagine Maya directional light wouldn't provide physically correct results (beside, I'd like not lost the ability to play with luxes directly).
Hdr maps/Ibl always will be an option, but right now I'm looking for something different than Ibl.
Any suggestions/ideas?
...eeerr, another related question. When we check "No Decay" in a light, it means doesn't exist decay from light source to the first bounce of the light ray, right?. After first bounce, decay get back at its normal behaviour. Or am I confused about?.