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Parallel Light

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  • Parallel Light

    There is any way to get Parallel light in Vray for Maya?. I'm sure to have been readed about a check box for get Rect_Light throwing parallel light rays, but I believe it was for Cinema or Max, I don't remember exactly right now. But I can't find something similar in Maya.

    It's truth in Maya we can find in Create>Vray>Create From V-Ray Plugin>Light some "new?" lights (similar to the 3dsMax ones?), but the fact is that I don't know how to use it.

    I'm trying to replicate full moon light, so I need a clean shadow, like the sun one, but actually sun & sky is not a way to get a moonlight scene.

    So, what light should I use?. I imagine Maya directional light wouldn't provide physically correct results (beside, I'd like not lost the ability to play with luxes directly).

    Hdr maps/Ibl always will be an option, but right now I'm looking for something different than Ibl.

    Any suggestions/ideas?

    ...eeerr, another related question. When we check "No Decay" in a light, it means doesn't exist decay from light source to the first bounce of the light ray, right?. After first bounce, decay get back at its normal behaviour. Or am I confused about?.
    Last edited by Reaversword; 08-01-2013, 11:09 PM.

  • #2
    Unfortunately it is not implemented yet. I'll see if we can increase the priority of this issue.
    V-Ray developer


    • #3
      You can try with spot light.
      "No decay" is for the direct lighting.
      V-Ray/PhoenixFD for Maya developer


      • #4
        Yes, is for direct light, but produced GI behaves as usually, right?.

        So, really right now there is no vray light able to reproduce this effect?
        Appears you have centered in do all most difficult lights and the simplest one still leave. This happens to me constantly too, focus in the hard and forget the easy for be easy. Well, give a touch in this thread if you implement it!.

        By the way, how can we use plugin lights like directmax or ambient max?.linking it with ".message" to any vray light in Hypershade?

