I can't get highlights on reflect objects if the reflective objects is not 100% glossy.
wall glossiness set to 1

wall glossiness set to 0.999

I use point lights and VRayMLT.
I get the same thing with a Blinn material, but if I render with MayaSoftware or Mental highlights are here.
The workaround I use is to replace point lights with VraySphereLights. I get reflection of the reflection contribution of lights but not their specular contribution.
The limit of this workaround is to denoise the reflection of a reflection with small powerfull lights.
I think I need to reflect specular, I don't know if it's a bug or if there is a method to get it.
I can't get highlights on reflect objects if the reflective objects is not 100% glossy.
wall glossiness set to 1
wall glossiness set to 0.999
I use point lights and VRayMLT.
I get the same thing with a Blinn material, but if I render with MayaSoftware or Mental highlights are here.
The workaround I use is to replace point lights with VraySphereLights. I get reflection of the reflection contribution of lights but not their specular contribution.
The limit of this workaround is to denoise the reflection of a reflection with small powerfull lights.
I think I need to reflect specular, I don't know if it's a bug or if there is a method to get it.