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Maya 2016 Color Management and Vray 3.1

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sharktacos View Post
    An issue here is that one should not apply gamma corrections to all textures. Several common textures (bump maps, normal maps, displacement maps, HDR maps, etc) should not be gamma corrected. So there would need to be a way to specify which textures should get a degamma, and which should not. In the Maya 2016 system this is done based on a string in the texture file name. So one could say that all files that match *_bmp_* are raw and do not get a degamma, and all files that match *_dif_* do get a degamma. Is there a way to do this with the Vray VRAY_FOR_MAYA_VP2_GAMMA variable?
    Actually this should be possible even now. The preferences affect the File node's gamma settings, and that's what we use. So any rules you set in the preferences should be respected by V-Ray as well.
    V-Ray for Maya dev team lead


    • #17
      Hi all

      So would this be the current colour and gamma setup:

      Color Management (Syncolor) on

      sRGB on in VFB

      (and as Vlado mentioned in another post)
      Color mapping needs to be at the default settings
      multiplier/burn at 1.0
      gamma 2.2
      mode set to "color mapping only"

      Colour pickers left at default

      Bumps, normals etc. left at default



      • #18
        Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the Maya color management does not have any means of gamma correcting color swatches (I'm positive this is the case for Maya 2015, not sure for 2017).


        • #19
          In the color picker pallet, looks like if you switch:

          Mixing Color Space > Display Space

          the swatches show the true colour (leaving Color Management on).

          Would like be the right way to go?


          • #20
            Originally posted by sherridge101 View Post

            Bumps, normals etc. left at default
            It's recommended to not correct textures for normal maps, otherwise you'll get unexpected results. We do support the rules for color management now, so you can simply add a rule to always have "Raw" for normal maps. In future versions we'll print a warning when a texture is color corrected and use for normal map (it's in the nightlies now and it will be there for the next SP).
            Alex Yolov
            Product Manager
            V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player

