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3DsMax Vray Shaders to Maya VrayMtl - Some Attributes not coming over.

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  • 3DsMax Vray Shaders to Maya VrayMtl - Some Attributes not coming over.

    Hi I'm having a small issue with a workflow / script i'm writing.

    The Situation:
    @ work I've made some 3DsMax shaders that I would like to send to Maya.
    What I normally do is the following:

    1. I open a 3DsMax Scene with some Vray Shaders in it. I then right button click in the viewport in 3DsMax and choose the .vrscene exporter.
    2. I Export the scene.

    3. Back in Maya I go to /Create/Vray/Import V-Ray Material from File.
    4. I choose the file that has been exported and Import All Shaders.
    5. Maya Imports the Shader(s) as a VrayPluginNodeMTL

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vrayShader_import.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	69.4 KB
ID:	882652

    Untill now everything works exactly as i want it.

    6. But I personally would like the VrayPluginNodeMtl to be a normal Maya VrayMTL. (I don't know if there is an easy way to do this, so if anybody has a good idea?). So for now I thought of writing a converter that converts this VrayPluginNodeMTL to a Maya VrayMTL.

    In the basis the script checks the attributes of the VrayPluginNodeMtl and creates a new VrayMTL and puts those values in the correct corresponding attribute slots.

    (It also automatically creates a correct linear workflow for all the necessary inputs / swatches. And removes unnecessary vrayPlugin nodes to get to most clean shader network. Removes Filtering from bitmaps. Stuff like that.)

    7. Now when I Execute the script I'm left with a normal clean VrayMTL.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vrayShader_converted.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	102.3 KB
ID:	882653

    8. But here is the problem, @ step 5. There are 9 Attributes that are not exported from 3DsMax. In to the VrayPluginNodeMtl, So the script is also not able to transfer them to my new VrayMTL.

    These are the attributes that are not coming over from 3DsMax:

    --> Highlight Glossiness is not being send over
    --> Reflec. Glossiness is not being send over (This is the most important one)
    --> Anisotropy is not being send
    --> Rotation (Anisotropy) is not being send
    --> Use reflection Interpolation is not working
    --> Use refraction Interpolation is not working
    --> Min Rate Max Rate not working
    --> Normal Treshold is not being send
    --> Interpolation Samples is not being send.

    If there is anyone that can try this on their system, and see if they do receive these 9 Attributes. When sending over Vray Materials from Max to Maya.
    Or if it's a bug? (The only thing you need to do, is adjust the values of these attributes to something that isn't the default and export the vray scene and import it in Maya and see if the value you just entered is being send over)

    I also took a look at using the the VRayVRmat and the using the VRmat editor but it doesnt work in Maya 2015, and I personally don't think it's able of creating a clean basic Maya Vray Material.
    (But please if there is a way to do kind of the same, any other ideas, or things that i have missed... please tell me)

    I hope i've made myself clear in what i'm trying to do. If I missed anything or if there are any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    (@home I've tried importing with Vray for Maya 3.0 and 3.1 in Windows 8.1.)
    Last edited by SDSNATCHER; 17-08-2015, 04:58 AM.

  • #2

    The issues you're having with importing the material in Maya are because of a bug.

    The VRayVRamat case is another bug that affects Maya 2015 and Windows 8.

    Both cases are already logged in our bug tracker, unfortunately I can't give you time estimate when they will be resolved. We will update the thread when we have some progress on this.

    Thank you,
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      oke thank you Georgi for clearing that up.

      Two more questions:
      - Is the VRayVRmat problem fixxed in Maya 2016 within Windows 8? Or is it still existing?
      - Do you know if this problem also exists in Windows 10?

      - If i would install Windows 7 and get the VRayVRmat working, is there a way to query the attributes from within MEL? So that I could extract the values/attributes from a VRayVRmat.
      - and then rebuild a new original vrayMtl with the information/attributes. (The same as i'm doing now with the VrayPluginNodeMTL) something like : getAttr VRayVRmat.shaderInVRayVRmat.attribute;

      - Are the values discussed in the earlier post come over with the VRayVRmat. Or Is this one also bugged?

      Thanks again for your time.


      • #4
        For Maya 2016 and Windows 8 we have disabled the VRmat editor, because it was causing a lot of issues. I can't say nothing for Windows 10 - we're still trying to figure things out.

        The VRamt works on Win7 - the attributes you mentioned earlier are translated correctly (back and forth from Maya and Max), unfortunately there is no nice way to list the attributes of a VRmatMtl, due to the way the file is saved. You can open the file in a text editor - but reading it will be a nightmare.

        Best regards,
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager

