Just bought MaxtoVray a few days ago and ... Amazing !

it works very very well,
I even converted Max/corona to max/vray (with UMC for mtl and MultyConvertor for the lights) and then to Maya/vray with Max2Vray and I just had to deal with some rare problems with blend and multi-sub mtl that UMC failled onto.
But with native Max/Vray scene the result in Maya doesn't need many adjustments to render (in fact none in most cases)
As I work every days with Max 3D bank objects and scenes mostly prepared for Vray, it's a hudge time-saver , and time is precious !
So I'm not endorsed with these guys but they reeeeaally deserve to be known by MayaGuysWhoAreFedUpWithMaxToVrayHandConversionOfHe llFromDeath ....
Just bought MaxtoVray a few days ago and ... Amazing !

I even converted Max/corona to max/vray (with UMC for mtl and MultyConvertor for the lights) and then to Maya/vray with Max2Vray and I just had to deal with some rare problems with blend and multi-sub mtl that UMC failled onto.
But with native Max/Vray scene the result in Maya doesn't need many adjustments to render (in fact none in most cases)
As I work every days with Max 3D bank objects and scenes mostly prepared for Vray, it's a hudge time-saver , and time is precious !
So I'm not endorsed with these guys but they reeeeaally deserve to be known by MayaGuysWhoAreFedUpWithMaxToVrayHandConversionOfHe llFromDeath ....