Hey there,
we are launching Maya via a .bat file and load V-Ray from a network location.
During the Maya startup, the following error message appears in the Maya Output Window.
I am not sure if this is causing any trouble or not.
This is on Windows 10, Maya 2020.2 and V-Ray 4.30.02
Cheers, Florian
we are launching Maya via a .bat file and load V-Ray from a network location.
During the Maya startup, the following error message appears in the Maya Output Window.
Error: D:\cgrepo\vray4maya\PluginMain.cpp:1616: MGlobal::executePythonCommand( "typesParam='types=" "+VRaySunShape," "+VRaySunTarget," "+VRayLightSphereShape," "+VRayLightDomeShape," "+VRayLightMeterShape," "+VRayLightRectShape," "+VRayLightIESShape," "+VRayClipperShape," "+VRayMeshPreview," "+VRayPlane," "+VRayPluginNodeLightShape," "+VRayFurPreview," "+VRayEnvironmentPreview," "+VRaySphereFade," "+VRayMetaball," "+VRayScene" "'\n" "import maya.cmds as cmds\n" "cmds.cacheEvaluator(" "newFilter='nodeTypes'," "newFilterParam=typesParam," "newAction='enableEvaluationCache'" ")"): : (kFailure): Unexpected Internal Failure Error: D:\cgrepo\vray4maya\PluginMain.cpp:1623: MGlobal::executeCommand(DAC): : (kFailure): Unexpected Internal Failure
This is on Windows 10, Maya 2020.2 and V-Ray 4.30.02
Cheers, Florian