V-Ray for Maya version: V-Ray Next for Maya, update 1 (v4.12.01.29159 from May 8 2019)
Maya version: 2019.3
I grabbed an OSL shader written for 3DS Max from here:
But it causes V-Ray to crash. I have simplified it to demonstrate what I think is causing the crash:
In the above example, outputting "horizU" directly seems to give the correct result - but modifying it in any way appears to lead to a crash.
Has anyone seen this before?
Maya version: 2019.3
I grabbed an OSL shader written for 3DS Max from here:
But it causes V-Ray to crash. I have simplified it to demonstrate what I think is causing the crash:
shader jiWindowBox_Max ( string filename = "missingcolor", output color result = color(0.0), ) { color finalRGB; color objI = transform("object", -I); objI = -objI; color objP = (color(u,v,0.5) * 2.0 - color(1.0)) * 0.5 + color(0.5); color sections = step(0, objI); color baseDepth = (objP-sections)/(-objI); color baseDepthX = (objI*baseDepth[1] + objP + color(1.0)); color baseDepthY = (objI*baseDepth[0] + objP + color(1.0)); float horizU = baseDepthY[2] - 0.5; // works // finalRGB = color(horizU); // doesn't work finalRGB = color(clamp(horizU, 0.0, 1.0)); result = finalRGB; }
Has anyone seen this before?