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Volume Grid + VDBs and object opacity issue

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  • #16
    Originally posted by seandunderdale View Post
    ok, very odd. Thanks for spending the time on it though. Makes sense about the mesh light / direct illumination option. I did find a work around to get the shot done, so if it is a quirk on my end, it didn't hold things up too long.

    I have brought this up in another thread, but also wanted to know your perspective on the likelihood of Volume Grids getting VRay RT support anytime soon (They do render in RT,but any changes to values needs an RT restart to see). It'd make using these VDB assets so much nicer.
    Thanks for reminding me to test IPR. Reproduced it. I'll see if this is something known, else I'll log it.
    Otherwise, Muhammed_Hamed should answer your other question.

    EDIT: Logged (internal bug-tracker id: VMAYA-12568 ).
    Last edited by hermit.crab; 03-01-2024, 12:47 AM.
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