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Texture placement node input not evaluated on rendertime

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  • Texture placement node input not evaluated on rendertime


    I have a problem with rendering animated texture placement nodes that have inputs driven by a custom attributes output connection.

    custom attribute>uv transform
    custom attribute>uv coverage

    our characters pupil size is driven by these custom values connected to the uv placement and coverage u v values.
    this is working in mayas viewport but when I render vray ignores the input.
    i managed to fix the problem by connecting the values via an expression.but i was wondering if there is any other way of forcing the evaluation of this connection.

    i assume it is related to the way vray gets these values handed over from maya before rendering?
    I can reproduce the problem in a simple sphere test scene.
    Vray 5.1 maya 2022.3

  • #2
    Mind if you attach the simple scene? I may be misunderstanding the issue.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	maya_q2ANfcMIFb.png
Views:	58
Size:	84.5 KB
ID:	1218443
      Hi, so i have attached a simple test scene showing the difference between Node and Expression connection.
      The pupils are connected to a custom attribute called.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	62
Size:	4.7 KB
ID:	1218444

      Top left: Pupil vray render with node input (doesnt work, pupil is squashed)
      Top right: Pupil connected via expression (works)
      Bottom: Pupils Viewport
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thanks for the provided scene.

        Not sure if you got confused by this, but I certainly was. Even though an "animCurveUU" (Float input / Float output) is used for the Coverage/Translate Frame slot with the idea of the attribute's value acting as an input to the evaluated at render time value of the curve, the Coverage/Translate Frame slot still defaults to its "animCurveTU" (taking Time as input / Float as output). In other words, what the custom attribute value controls is the frame number of the key, which is going to be evaluated. F.e. you chose a value of 0.5 for the "Fk Ctrl Eye R Size". This value is interpreted​ by the Coverage/Translate Frame as Time. The output result is a float based on the animCurve's position at frame 0.5.

        That being said, the yielded float values for the Coverage/ Translate Frame are indeed correct and display as expected in the viewport. V-Ray seems to render only the keyed frames (0,1,2) and their corresponding values correctly. Interpolations produce wrong results (compared with the same Coverage/Translate Frame values without any drivers).

        I'll log an issue asap. For now, use the expression method.

        EDIT: Logged (internal bug-tracker id: VMAYA-13182).
        Last edited by hermit.crab; 25-10-2024, 03:19 AM.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5

          thanks for checking this out. I wasn´t able to make sense on whats going on. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
          I assume a fix won´t be quickly possible and not provided for our old version of vray.
          We can start changing our assets to use expressions for the placement nodes

