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Vray and Maya Volume Noise

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  • Vray and Maya Volume Noise

    I am wondering why vray materials seem to respect some attributes of procedural noise, but not others. I have a simple scene where 1 volume noise is plugged into color and bump of a vray mat, miaX and Maya Blinn.

    It works as expected on the mia and blinn, but vray material only respects the first 6 volNoise attributes. (threshold, Ampl, Ratio, FreqRatio, Depth and inflection). Any attrib below that from freq to randomness, vray ignores. Thus I cannot adjust the size/frequency of volume noise as desired... nor can I even use different noise types like perlin, or volWave. I haven't tested other noise types, but this is a commonly used one that should work. Any ideas?

    Update: Most 3d procedurals have some issues with attributes not working with vrayMaterial.

    Andrew Weidenhammer
    Last edited by aweidenhammer; 15-10-2009, 10:43 AM.

  • #2
    As using the Maya implementation of procedural textures proved to be too slow and cannot be used in V-Ray standalone, we implemented our own versions. Unfortunately the results are not exactly the same and in some cases there are parameters that are not implemented yet. We'll be working on improving these in future updates. Giving us hints on what you need the most will help us concentrate on it.

    Here is a somewhat complete list of supported Maya features :

    Vladimir Nedev
    Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


    • #3
      Thanks for the supported list. I was looking for that, and couldn't find it. That's good to know. Question though...

      Given Maya procedurals are... well, mediocre at best. Why not add to the existing procedural list with your own?

      Are you saying that maya procedurals are not functional at all in vray? Seems to me I would rather have a slow procedural option that matches the functionality of Maya, then a limited set of features as I do now. How slow are we talking? usable, or orders of magnitue slower?

      Again, thanks for the info. That explains why granite was working for us


      Originally posted by vladimir.nedev View Post
      As using the Maya implementation of procedural textures proved to be too slow and cannot be used in V-Ray standalone, we implemented our own versions. Unfortunately the results are not exactly the same and in some cases there are parameters that are not implemented yet. We'll be working on improving these in future updates. Giving us hints on what you need the most will help us concentrate on it.

      Here is a somewhat complete list of supported Maya features :

      Vladimir Nedev


      • #4
        Any clues on how to render vray scatter environment fog without the chunky render noise issue, DMC sampler @ max 50 sub divs seems to hit a wall and wont render any less grainy. Also its very very slow, I have had good success using vray light material and GI getting very nice smooth non grainy results BUT not volume shadows from objects.. plus there are still no tutorials for a setup method or usage within maya. Any idea's?? even if the render time goes up I would be happy as long as the chunky noise is minimal.


        • #5
          You should also decrease the Adaptive threshold of the DMC sampler ( and the threshold in the adaptive DMC Image sampler). Also chunky noise usually occurs when you're using the Adaptive subdivision sampler so you should switch to the Adaptive DMC or fixed samplers to make the noise more high frequency and a little more natural.

          This thread is for the volume noise procedural texture, not about noise when rendering volumes, by the way.

          Vladimir Nedev
          Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


          • #6
            connecting textures/ramps/projections to the volumenoise frequency/frequencyRatio/time and probably others does not work... Is this something that will be supported in near future?


            Nathan Guttridge


            • #7

              I've logged this issue in our issues tracker, so we will fix it someday.
              I can't give you any time estimate.

              V-Ray developer

