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Houdini to Vray

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  • Houdini to Vray

    Using the command line utility, we aren't having much luck getting motion blur to export.

    Is there some sort of magic trick I need to know for bgeo to vrmesh?

  • #2
    You need .geo, not .bgeo files; and they must contain vertex velocity information.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Metzger View Post
      Using the command line utility, we aren't having much luck getting motion blur to export.

      Is there some sort of magic trick I need to know for bgeo to vrmesh?

      Hey!! Where can I find more info on this workflow (houdini to vray)?

      Thanks a million!


      • #4
        Yeah, I meant to say .geo. Thanks Vlado!!!!! Woohoo!!

        Aneurisma: There is a plytovrmesh.exe tool to convert .geo exports from Houdini into a proxy that can be loaded into maya. Once you write out a .geo sequence with velocity, you can go to the Vray Menu, import proxy in Maya.


        • #5
          Hello !

          I have an Houdini scene that I can't convert to vrmesh (ply2vrmesh).
          I tried all 4 formats :

          I get this :
          Error writing file: Wrong .ply format

          Or this :
          Error reading file: [VUtils::GeoInterface::readFile] Error reading .geo file at line 9990: Unsupported number of polygon vertices

          I have sent the 4 files (in a zip) to


          PS : it is houdini-11.1.67-win64 demo version, but it seems the export should work (geo ASCII version contains "PGEOMETRY V5")
          Last edited by alainfx; 08-12-2011, 07:16 AM.


          • #6
            Thanks, we'll try them out, but for this error:

            Originally posted by alainfx View Post
            Error reading file: [VUtils::GeoInterface::readFile] Error reading .geo file at line 9990: Unsupported number of polygon vertices
            it could be that you have polygons with more than 4 vertices. Currently ply2vrmesh can deal only with triangles and quadrangles.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Yes, inspecting the ascii geo file indicates we have polygons with more than 4 vertices.
              We will try a Divide node in Houdini to get triangles and quads.


              • #8
                After dividing the geometry (3 or 4 vertices maximum) it now works all right.
                Thanks !


                • #9
                  This is heavily Off-Topic but i read LOTS of posts that are about the houdini to maya workflow...would it make sense to ask if wee will ever see a native vray integration inside houdini? I know some guys tried this already but i don't know if they ever succeeded...

                  just curious....
                  OLIVER MARKOWSKI - Head of 3D at RISE | Visual Effects Studios


                  • #10
                    There were some discussions about this at one point, but it's a lot of work; due to the procedural nature of Houdini, render data may come in a variety of ways. We've had a similar (unpleasant) experience with ICE in Softimage, where if you set it up in one way, you get a certain result, but if you click a little option somewhere, you get something completely different that requires a different translation method altogether. If there is enough interest though, we will certainly look into it.

                    Also, it depends on what people are going to use V-Ray for in Houdini... from my understanding, a complete scene is rarely set up entirely in Houdini (would it make sense to bring e.g. in character animation there?) and it's usually bits and pieces of a scene that ultimately end up somewhere else.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      Is there any plan to support the .geo.gz format ?
                      It's a gzip version of the .geo format, that Houdini provides when you want to use less disk space and load faster.


                      • #12
                        Isn't .bgeo better than that, being binary and all?

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vlado View Post
                          Isn't .bgeo better than that, being binary and all?
                          Well, if I remember correctly, we were told to use .geo (and not .bgeo) in order to get Motion Blur.


                          • #14
                            Hm, that should be working fine now in the latest builds at least on the V-Ray side. I'm not sure about Houdini - I don't think it matters if you use .geo or .bgeo

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vlado View Post
                              There were some discussions about this at one point, but it's a lot of work;

                              Also, it depends on what people are going to use V-Ray for in Houdini... from my understanding, a complete scene is rarely set up entirely in Houdini (would it make sense to bring e.g. in character animation there?) and it's usually bits and pieces of a scene that ultimately end up somewhere else.

                              Best regards,
                              I totally understand and i think it is the right way to go NOT to build vray4houdini....i was just curious...u are absolutly right with "a scene that ultimately end up somewhere else"

                              I also feel more comfortable having maya as a shading and lighting is better for quick hacks

                              P.S.: i am really looking forward to testing the ply2vrmesh again...i always had issues converting way back in april...
                              OLIVER MARKOWSKI - Head of 3D at RISE | Visual Effects Studios

