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Vrscene export screwed up the rigging

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  • Vrscene export screwed up the rigging


    we have a really, really strange problem:

    When we export a vrscene out of Maya 2011 (Win7 64) with NB from end of march, VRay goes through the animation range frame per frame and just after it has reached the last frame, our rigging goes crazy! That means: The hand turns 180 degree around. Looks like in a horror film. And the worst thing is the screwed up rigging is now part of the scene. So even we don't save the scene after exporting, the rigging is screwed up after reloading the scene!

    The arm rigging is a nothing fancy IK setup. So again, we export e.g. from frame 1 to 130, VRay goes through the frames and after frame 130, whumm the hand screwed up. When we render out the exported vrscene, we see that the screwed hand has been exported.

    Anyone had this before? How can this happen? This is shocking us, as we need to do several animations with this setup in the next days!

    Thanks for any help,

  • #2
    This may not be the answer your looking for, but situations like this is why I always use point caching. Removing the riggs from render scenes helps in a number of ways. Lighter resources in the scene, animation can be updated with out breaking render layers etc....



    • #3
      Thanks Andy for you answer. We will definitely looking into that point cache way, as we do more and more rigging stuff.

      For this special case we had found that two constraints were the reasons for the mess. Now everything works as expected.


      • #4
        It would be good if you can get us a scene where we can reproduce the problem and see if we can do something about it.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          You can use FBX exports with Maya geocache to store and replace animations in a light file. Rendering rigs is a bad thing in any renderer.

