Dear Support Team,
I am trying to get a proper result wifh Vector Displacement Map which is from MudBox.
Please check below image.

The result is the best. It looks like similar but it is different result.
The image from left side is from Mudbox and the other is from V-Ray for Maya.
I tried to use V-Ray Vector displacement with several vector diplacement images with the object, world, relative tangent, absolute tangent which are from Mudbox.
Is there any solution or right way to get a same result?
I will look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for all of your support.
Best Regards,
Sangho Jung.
I am trying to get a proper result wifh Vector Displacement Map which is from MudBox.
Please check below image.
The result is the best. It looks like similar but it is different result.
The image from left side is from Mudbox and the other is from V-Ray for Maya.
I tried to use V-Ray Vector displacement with several vector diplacement images with the object, world, relative tangent, absolute tangent which are from Mudbox.
Is there any solution or right way to get a same result?
I will look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for all of your support.
Best Regards,
Sangho Jung.