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Displacement on instanced geo using View dependant.

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  • Displacement on instanced geo using View dependant.

    Running into a little problem with latest stable build. Let's say I have 100 instanced geometry pieces. If I go to displace them with 2D texture and view dependent, it will to subdivide everyone single piece the same way even though 99 of them aren't in the camera's viewport?

    The reason I ask is because I see the translate geometry going crazy until I run out of ram.


  • #2
    Vlado, is there a way to have the 1 instance piece of geometry use the same tessellation for the other pieces when using displacement? Having it tessellate each instance is some what crazy. I would like to have that instanced geo share the same displacement tessellation as well.


    • #3
      So I can take the geo into mudbox and write out a 1.9gig OBJ file, then convert it to vrmesh via command line.. But that's a huge workaround to get instanced displacement objects to render correctly. I do hope there's a way to have V-Ray calculate instanced displaced geo.


      • #4
        I am noticing that I'am not getting UV's to carry over from OBJ's when using ply2vrmesh.exe on the latest stable build. Are there changes in Nightly builds that fix this?

        *EDIT. I just saw the note about setting MapChannel to 0... that fixed the UVs!*
        Last edited by Metzger; 16-11-2011, 03:30 AM.


        • #5
          looks like you're clearing things just by yourself

          would be nice to hear a statement about that issues from someone of chaosgroup, too
          best regards,


          • #6
            Yeah... I am trying everything in terms of baking out displacement to Geo.. Nothing beats rendering displacement from V-Ray.. I wish I could find a way to not have V-Ray generate displacement for every instanced piece of geo though.. It should only calculate displacement once. Then reuse that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Metzger View Post
              Yeah... I am trying everything in terms of baking out displacement to Geo.. Nothing beats rendering displacement from V-Ray.. I wish I could find a way to not have V-Ray generate displacement for every instanced piece of geo though.. It should only calculate displacement once. Then reuse that.
              yeah, that´s the way instanced objects should be handled. I'm curious what the chaosguys will say about that.
              best regards,


              • #8
                Vlado, after a lot of tests, I am going to label this as a bug. If you need files for testing let me know and I can upload them to ya..

                Also, I just want to say.. Vrmesh is really an amazing format. I am giving you props because every time I proxy, I'm blown away at the performance. I am taking 32million OBJs from Mudbox and converting with ease. My scene has like 500 million polys that handle like a dream. They are instanced proxys, but still.. It handles like a champ.

                Funny.. I tested a few programs for displacing Geo. 3Dcoat was a bunch of crap. Zbrush, well, heh.. pretty alien and backwards to do simple things. A lot of crap right there.. But mudbox was so damn intuitive and gave perfect results.


                Last edited by Metzger; 16-11-2011, 07:02 PM.

