Anyone know a working method to have Irrdiance baking across multiple machines for the same file? When I have all machines on a farm add to the same map, it doesn't seem to add correctly. Some camera angles that rendered have missing data missing in the vrmap. I would hate to have to use 1 single machine
For instance, rendering 3 spheres doing a 180 degree camera move from frames 1-36. Frames 1 and 30 are great, but I am missing points for frame 15.
Also, why the 24 core limit? Would be nice to burn through more in distributed mode if I am forced to 1 machine.
Also, I notice Irrdiance baking ignores primary visibility objects for cache, but Light cache doesn't ignore primary visibility.
For instance, rendering 3 spheres doing a 180 degree camera move from frames 1-36. Frames 1 and 30 are great, but I am missing points for frame 15.
Also, why the 24 core limit? Would be nice to burn through more in distributed mode if I am forced to 1 machine.
Also, I notice Irrdiance baking ignores primary visibility objects for cache, but Light cache doesn't ignore primary visibility.