Hey everybody,
I have a scene, which just doesn't batch render. Normal rendering is fine. I think the problem is due to old shave nodes (exported guides, which I'm now using for Maya hair with a vrayhair material), since it displayed warning messages that it can't find required shave nodes even though there is no shave in the scene.
Well i tried Optimize Scene Size, which didn't get rid of those unknown nodes and eventually deleted the shaveGlobals manually using
lockNode -lock 0 shaveGlobals
delete `ls -type shaveGlobals`
Now I don't have any warning messages, however I still can't batch render... .
( I'm able to batch render in other scenes though..)
Hope someone has a solution.
Kind regards,
(I'm rather new to vray, sorry if this is very simple :P)
This is all I'm getting from the batch render:
Starting "C:\progra~1\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\mayabatch.e xe"
[2012/May/6|05:18:11] V-Ray: V-Ray for Maya version 2.20.01 EDU from F
, 17:54:57
[2012/May/6|05:18:11] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
File read in 6 seconds.
Result: C:/Users/Sebastian/Desktop/eine_kleine_elfe/sophie/scenes/scen
V-Ray: Starting render
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "C:\Program Files\Au
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: 109 plugin(s) loaded successfully
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.1s (0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: No image file name specified; using
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Using image file prefix "scenen_opt
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Exporting scene lights.
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: NDAG: 58650
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Diffuse
annelColor - 51B857D0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Reflectio
rChannelColor - 51B85890
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Refractio
rChannelColor - 51B85950
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Shadow -
nnelColor - 51B85A10
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Specular
hannelColor - 51B85AD0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Lighting
hannelColor - 51B85B90
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_GI - Ren
Color - 51B85C50
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Caustics
hannelColor - 51B85D10
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Total_Lig
erChannelColor - 51B85DD0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Reflectio
- RenderChannelColor - 51B85E90
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Refractio
- RenderChannelColor - 51B85F50
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Backgroun
rChannelColor - 51B86010
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Normals
annelNormals - 13947D90
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Z_depth
annelZDepth - 47CC6800
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Material_
RenderChannelColor - 51B860D0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_SSS - Re
lColor - 51B86190
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Object_ID
ChannelNodeID - 51B185A0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Sample_Ra
erChannelColor - 51B86250
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
erChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E320
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
RenderChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E4C0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
enderChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E590
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
derChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E660
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
derChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E730
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Exporting scene geometry and materi
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Number of dependency nodes: 59200
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.0s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.9s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.7s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.7s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.5s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0
s (3.4 s)
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Rendering.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray debug: Setting up sequence data.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray debug: Setting render channels.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Pre-render export.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Pre-render export
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray debug: nPreFrames=2, numSubframes=2
I have a scene, which just doesn't batch render. Normal rendering is fine. I think the problem is due to old shave nodes (exported guides, which I'm now using for Maya hair with a vrayhair material), since it displayed warning messages that it can't find required shave nodes even though there is no shave in the scene.
Well i tried Optimize Scene Size, which didn't get rid of those unknown nodes and eventually deleted the shaveGlobals manually using
lockNode -lock 0 shaveGlobals
delete `ls -type shaveGlobals`
Now I don't have any warning messages, however I still can't batch render... .
( I'm able to batch render in other scenes though..)
Hope someone has a solution.

Kind regards,
(I'm rather new to vray, sorry if this is very simple :P)
This is all I'm getting from the batch render:
Starting "C:\progra~1\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin\mayabatch.e xe"
[2012/May/6|05:18:11] V-Ray: V-Ray for Maya version 2.20.01 EDU from F
, 17:54:57
[2012/May/6|05:18:11] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 2.00.01
File read in 6 seconds.
Result: C:/Users/Sebastian/Desktop/eine_kleine_elfe/sophie/scenes/scen
V-Ray: Starting render
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "C:\Program Files\Au
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: 109 plugin(s) loaded successfully
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray.
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.1s (0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: No image file name specified; using
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Using image file prefix "scenen_opt
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Exporting scene lights.
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: NDAG: 58650
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Diffuse
annelColor - 51B857D0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Reflectio
rChannelColor - 51B85890
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Refractio
rChannelColor - 51B85950
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Shadow -
nnelColor - 51B85A10
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Specular
hannelColor - 51B85AD0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Lighting
hannelColor - 51B85B90
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_GI - Ren
Color - 51B85C50
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Caustics
hannelColor - 51B85D10
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Total_Lig
erChannelColor - 51B85DD0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Reflectio
- RenderChannelColor - 51B85E90
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Refractio
- RenderChannelColor - 51B85F50
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Backgroun
rChannelColor - 51B86010
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Normals
annelNormals - 13947D90
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Z_depth
annelZDepth - 47CC6800
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Material_
RenderChannelColor - 51B860D0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_SSS - Re
lColor - 51B86190
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Object_ID
ChannelNodeID - 51B185A0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Sample_Ra
erChannelColor - 51B86250
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
erChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E320
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
RenderChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E4C0
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
enderChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E590
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
derChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E660
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: + creating plugin: vrayRE_Multi_Mat
derChannelMultiMatte - 4A19E730
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Exporting scene geometry and materi
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray debug: Number of dependency nodes: 59200
[2012/May/6|05:18:20] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.0s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.9s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.7s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.7s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.5s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s
[2012/May/6|05:18:21] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0
s (3.4 s)
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Rendering.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray debug: Setting up sequence data.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray debug: Setting render channels.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Pre-render export.
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray: Pre-render export
[2012/May/6|05:18:24] V-Ray debug: nPreFrames=2, numSubframes=2