I am in a production, i found a bug and i don't found a workaround. So, i don't know if it is difficult to fix this quickly or not.
Create a scene with a VrayRecLight, a sky, physicalCam

Render :

Now, add all objects (but not the middle sphere) into a vrayobjectproperties to separate the render.
Add this setting :

Render :

If i disable the skylight portal into the Vray light, all is fine, but my lighting is false....
Is it a bug ?
If i understand, the vrayobjectproperties show the environment, and the vraylight do the lighting with the sky, and the sky is the environment. So, we have a loop here...?
I think the fix is to do not show the environment created by all skylight portal on all matte surface (created by the vrayobjectproperties or vrayWrapper).
The scene is here :
Maya 2012 win64.
I am in a production, i found a bug and i don't found a workaround. So, i don't know if it is difficult to fix this quickly or not.
Create a scene with a VrayRecLight, a sky, physicalCam

Render :

Now, add all objects (but not the middle sphere) into a vrayobjectproperties to separate the render.
Add this setting :

Render :

If i disable the skylight portal into the Vray light, all is fine, but my lighting is false....
Is it a bug ?
If i understand, the vrayobjectproperties show the environment, and the vraylight do the lighting with the sky, and the sky is the environment. So, we have a loop here...?
I think the fix is to do not show the environment created by all skylight portal on all matte surface (created by the vrayobjectproperties or vrayWrapper).
The scene is here :
Maya 2012 win64.