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Light select with wrapper materials

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  • Light select with wrapper materials

    Simple test scene with a sphere over a plane. The sphere has a vrayMtl. The plane has a vrayMtlWrapper.
    The light select raw looks the same as the raw light pass. Good.
    With 1 light, a light select (normal) pass should look the same as the the beauty (just the ball against black). Instead the plane shows up white.
    Similarly, the light select (diffuse) should look the same as the totalLight pass. Again, it does not and the plane shows up.

    Is this an error, or am I doing something wrong?

  • #2
    It is a bug, the matte objects don't show up correctly there. We'll put this in our bug tracker but I can't give you any time frame when we can have this fixed.
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


    • #3
      I wanted to resurrect this thread and ask if this has been fixed yet? We are still getting the same behavior in Vray 2.45 (nightly). Are there any workarounds?


      • #4
        We are sorry to inform you but the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
        The only workaround which I can think of is to render each light separately without using LightSelect elements.
        We'll update this thread when we have some news on that matter.
        Last edited by Svetlozar Draganov; 07-05-2014, 07:10 AM.
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          Hello sharktacos

          We would like to inform you that this issue has been fixed.
          The fix is now only available in the latest Nightly Build, but it will be probably available in the next official one.
          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

