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VRay frame buffer disappearing

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  • VRay frame buffer disappearing


    The VRay frame buffer is STILL disappearing - we've all encountered this on occasion before, but usually an edit of the windowPrefs.mel usually brings it back.

    I've now hit a show-stopper version of this problem. No fix known to me works.

    If I click the 'Show V-Ray VFB' button on an empty scene, the frame buffer shows up. Great. As soon as I hit the render button the VFB disappears completely. Not visible in windows. Unrecoverable.

    Things I have tried:
    - uninstalled VRay completely. Restart. Install VRay again. Restart.
    - removed ALL maya preferences.
    - edited the windowPrefs.mel file.
    - Windows + arrow keys etc.

    Just to reiterate - the VFB can not be seen in the alt-tab menu, nor does it show up as one of the Maya windows. For all intents and purposes it is literally gone.

    I'm not really sure what else I can try.

    For what it's worth, once the vray buffer has gone, when I close maya it writes to the windowPrefs.mel file: -topLeftCorner 487 -32768. Is this a clue as to what is going on?



  • #2
    Can use this mel one-liner, to Zero out the vfbSettings array in your ma file, which is where the problem lies.
    setAttr "vraySettings.vfbSettingsArr" -type Int32Array 0;

    When you do the above don't render, just save, close and re-open maya. For some reason maximizing & minimizing maya then trying to open the vfb brought the window back, lots of kung-fu there but I got it back.


    • #3
      What about all other tricks to bring VFB back shared here:
      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
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