has anyone else had an issue with switching visibility of render layers in the render setup window ?
I've started to have problems where I'll try to switch to another render layer but nothing happens.. the progress bar bottom left of Maya UI says 100 percent but the layer hasn't switched over .. maya doesn't freeze , its just you can't go over to another render layer .
.. hopefully someone can make sense of it but it looks like in my case its a vray render element , I had to delete all the elements and this fixed the issue
see below
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in the script editor it displays this error message :
# # File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python\lib\site-packages\maya\app\renderSetup\common\devtools.py", line 7, in wrapper
# # raise RuntimeError("Abstract function called from: " + self.__class__.__name__ +"."+ f.__name__ +"("+ str(inspect.getargspec(f))+")")
# RuntimeError: Abstract function called from: VRayRenderElementStrategy.contentType(ArgSpec(args =['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None))
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looks like similar issues , maybe brought on from other reasons , has happened before in maya 2017
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has anyone else had an issue with switching visibility of render layers in the render setup window ?
I've started to have problems where I'll try to switch to another render layer but nothing happens.. the progress bar bottom left of Maya UI says 100 percent but the layer hasn't switched over .. maya doesn't freeze , its just you can't go over to another render layer .
.. hopefully someone can make sense of it but it looks like in my case its a vray render element , I had to delete all the elements and this fixed the issue
see below
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in the script editor it displays this error message :
# # File "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\Python\lib\site-packages\maya\app\renderSetup\common\devtools.py", line 7, in wrapper
# # raise RuntimeError("Abstract function called from: " + self.__class__.__name__ +"."+ f.__name__ +"("+ str(inspect.getargspec(f))+")")
# RuntimeError: Abstract function called from: VRayRenderElementStrategy.contentType(ArgSpec(args =['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None))
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looks like similar issues , maybe brought on from other reasons , has happened before in maya 2017
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