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Duplicate plugin IDs

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  • Duplicate plugin IDs

    I've started playing with vray standalone plugin examples and have a few questions to begin with.
    1. Is there any way to std::cout to the same console vray standalone is running? So far I couldn't get it to work and have a feeling vray is doing something behind the scenes.

    2. I'm getting a warning: "Duplicate plugin IDs." Is this something I need to worry about? I've already have different name for the new plugin (which is a modified version of GeomBox). Is it possible that whenever the warning shows up the original GeomBox is used in place of the new plugin? That would explain why the changes in the plugin don't take place....

    3. What strategy should I pick when selecting a new ID for the plugin? Are you using a date as ID?

    more to come
    Thank you,

  • #2
    changing the value GeomBox_PluginID PluginID(LARGE_CONST(2010082302)) to any other number (ie 2014082302) cause a vray seg fault:
    /bin/vray: line 5: 13452 Segmentation fault

    No problems with plugin loading though


    • #3
      We don't generally use the plugin IDs much (we usually refer to the plugin type by the string name), so even if you have duplicate IDs, things might still work.

      Not sure about the crash, we need to look into it. We generally reserve a range of IDs for different developers and we can do that for you if you email me to but mostly any number that doesn't clash with existing IDs will usually work.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Just tried to build (with no chnages) the GeomMeshTest example ../samples/vray_plugins/geometry/vray_geommeshtest/geom_mesh_test.cpp and got a similar crash on line number 5.


        • #5
          Then I guess perhaps there is something unusual about your build options/environment. Can you tell me how you built the file?

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Strange, all worked fine for me so far - by all I mean two other examples as long as I stick to this PluginID: LARGE_CONST(2010082301)
            - geom_box.cpp
            - geom_plane.cpp

            Perhaps with the geom_mesh_test.cpp I'm missing a path to a mesh....?
            These are mine build flags. I'm getting some warnings (included below) but nothing serious I think...

            g++ /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp -I/VrayMaya/24501.23912.2014/vraymaya/vray/include -L/VrayMaya/24501.23912.2014/vraymaya/vray/lib/linux_x64/gcc-4.4 -lcgauth -lrt -lc -fPIC -ldl -lz -shared -lvray -o /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/

            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp: In constructor ‘GeomBox::GeomBox(VUtils::VRayPluginDesc*)’:
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:409: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:410: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:411: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:412: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp: In constructor ‘GeomBox_Params::GeomBox_Params()’:
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:433: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:434: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:435: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:436: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp: In member function ‘virtual tchar* UserPluginDesc::getName()’:
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:441: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp: In member function ‘virtual tchar* LibDesc::getName()’:
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:441: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp: In member function ‘virtual tchar* LibDesc::getText()’:
            /PRJ/140203_vrayPlugin/geom_box.cpp:441: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘tchar*’


            • #7
              More update from my end.
              Looks the IDs was in the end the red herring. Two days later I returned to changing the IDs again and all seems to be working fine now. A new GeomPlane plugin compiled with a new randomly picked ID 123. Still don't get what was happening before.. was it cached somehow.... . Sorry about that.
              So right now all: GeomPlane (geom_plane.cpp), GeomBox (geom_box.cpp), GeomMeshLoader (geom_meshloader1.cpp) render fine. The only example I'm still struggling with is the GeomMeshTest (geom_mesh_test.cpp) Throws exactly same error on line 5.
              I'm quite suspicious about the defined parameters. Do both plugins (GeomMeshLoader and GeomMeshTest) render spheres?

