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Custom BRDF, VRayBumpMtl works in V-Ray Standalone but not in V-Ray for Maya.

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  • Custom BRDF, VRayBumpMtl works in V-Ray Standalone but not in V-Ray for Maya.


    I am working on a custom BRDF and have it working for V-Ray for 3ds max and V-Ray Standalone.

    I have made a plugin for Maya so that a plugin is registered and it works also well, except that VRayBumpMtl seems to have no effect when rendering through Maya.
    When setting the render settings in Maya to export a .vrscene file and rendering the same scene in V-Ray Standalone, the shader has it's normals bumped!

    Is there something I am missing?

    Some hidden parameter that needs to be exposed?
    A translation that needs to be done in the path-to-maya/vray/shaders/desc.txt file for the shader?

    In case it is of help, here is the Maya specific part of the plugin:

    Thank you for any help with this!

  • #2
    I don't see anything glaringly wrong. If you debug your shader in the Standalone and in Maya for some fixed pixel of the image, do you get a different normal?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thank you for replying!

      Here is a render with the diffuse color set to rc.rayresult.normal.x, y, z in Maya and in standalone with the resulting .vrscene file from the same render.

      They both use the exact same binary for the V-Ray plugin.
      The Maya version just has an extra plugin so that it appears as a shader and I can add custom UI behaviour.
      Adding the shader via the Create > V-Ray > Create From V-Ray plugin also does not make the bump behave.

      Am I correct in thinking that when rendering in Maya, V-Ray makes something like an internal .vrscene file and renders this. So, rendering in standalone with the .vrscene file should be pretty much equivalent? Thus suggesting that it has something to do with the Maya specific plugin?

      Thank you very much for helping!
      I was worried that I might be missing something small, like a flag or some parameter.
      I'll just have to compare more rigorously with the supplied maya blinn example...

      Kind regards
      Last edited by macint; 04-09-2017, 04:37 PM.


      • #4
        Got it working. In case someone else is having trouble with this.

        In the attached zip is a simple diffuse brdf which has the problem of not having correct bump-mapping working in maya. But it does work in V-Ray standalone.
        And in the included 0001-bumpmap-fix.patch file are the changes to make it work in Maya.

        Kind regards
        Attached Files

